New weapons OP?

Have you considered your team? Even if I did 500 dmg with either, if my teammates do 1000 with heat and only 500 with cold, I prefer to see my team do better. It increases my chance of winning.

Again, IF the cold did what devs claimed it would, it might be worth taking the decreased dmg. I hope they do correct it, cause that would give us a whole diff approach to build comps and team strategies.

Thatā€™s the thing: I bought a second one because my experiments combining it with some jubokkos led to low scores for me, but lots of wins for my team.
When I started using two, Iā€™m getting better scores, and still lots of wins.

So I just did some testing on my Leviathan, and incinerators can do quite a lot more damage.
But what I found interesting was that Jotun was able to disarm the leviathan quicker, despite doing much less damage.
Now if any of my leviathanā€™s weapons had been attached to the cabin, they would have stayed on until the bitter end, whereas the incinerator doesnā€™t care what you attached things too.

So this kind of explains why I havenā€™t been as disappointed in Jotun as most people. If opponents are using lots of pass through parts and smaller light frame pieces, they fall apart quickly. So against certain types of meta builds, it can perform much better than the raw damage would indicate.

I do agree the slowing effect should be buffed, and I think the damage could be buffed a bit too, but I also think people are dismissing it too quickly.

I tested it against another build of mine that used only 1x6 light frame pieces, and a single shot deframed the build. Against another build, a single shot popped all the guns off. Now maybe my builds were just bad, but they donā€™t suffer those issues in matches against normal weapons.

I slap weapons on cabs or 4*8 heavy frames :eyes: Jotunā€™s not going to stop me anytime soon.

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Iā€™m a big fan of mounting directly to the cabin as well, but itā€™s just not practical with some weapons and cabins.

But itā€™s really those big spaced armour builds that I donā€™t typically play that are vulnerable to Jotun.

Is this an anti-meta gun??

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping!
Although I donā€™t see as many of those typical spaced armour builds anymore.

It is good against clusters of spiders.

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It wonā€™t even scratch a decent build tbh >.>

The more I play thm, the more I hate them. But I bought some Naoguals too because Iā€™m a masochist, so rn Iā€™m hating on that. Takes like 5 seconds to recover from the spread of firing once, wtf.

I like naguals too! But you exaggerate greatly. While you do have to wait between shots to maintain accuracy, you can still shoot them faster than Medians, which are the closest weapon to them. If you think of the post-shot bloom as the equivalent to reload time on conventional cannons, they can shoot pretty quickly.

They only seem slow firing if you compare them to ACs, or to the other revolvers.

But I think Iā€™m much more of a masochist than you when it comes to underpowered Crossout weapons.