Adventure Mode Rework when?

I’ve seen the stuff you guys can do, and I doubt I’m the only one who saw some of the things you guys pulled off. From fighting the Return of the Ravagers, to taking to the skies for the first time. I’ll never forget it, one hell of a wacky journey. For years I was hoping you could bring the Wasteland back to life.

unless a unfused, untradable, unsalvageable Odin generator magically shows up in my storage or if you allow Levis to be used in Bedlam for everybody. If either of these happen, I will never bring this topic up ever again.

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This is a perennial topic, and most of us agree it needs an update, or expansion, or something new. Unfortunately, the story goes that the devs said they have no plans to do anything more with it…which is a damn shame. I still ride around there from time to time; it’s a fantastic map with so much untapped potential.



lol just to deal with heli would be nice.

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…well, i did try…lol

some more stuff for adv.mode…
this was also inspired by a very old game i liked called firefall…for those who don’t know about it, it was a PVE MMO that had players pitted against an endless army of aliens and they had to defend the last livable parts of earth.

so…first make actual camps for factions. then those camps could be attacked by either ravagers or a rival faction which could give the players something to defend/attack, depending on faction chosen. this would work similar to situational encounters, and in case that said camp is destroyed, players of that faction could then try to storm and reclaim said camp.

a small digression…before starting adv mode you could for example allow players to choose if they want to be:

Mercenaries - do not belong to any faction. can attack or be attacked by anyone (players or AI), but they are allowed to take any and all factions’ side quests.

Faction member - can attack other factions (or players belonging to those factions). AI controlled friendlies could help those players against others (like you could “summon” them with the help button, or something). also, only side quests from own or friendly faction can be taken.
this could give players more varied choices of play, and imo revitalize adv mode somewhat…

side quest - A friend in need - it’s basically a crossbreed between “deliver and destroy” side quests. the player needs to rush to a certain place and help a faction member against multiple enemy faction cars trying to kill the friendly.

faction side quests.
as every faction has their own base, a player could obtain some kind of side quest by visiting said faction base camp.
firestarters could be used for arena brawls
scavengers could ask for escorts as they go dismantle something
lunatics could ask for assistance in a raid
steppenwolves could ask for protection of a site that they intend to make a watchtower of base camp in
nomads or dawn children could ask for an escort while they are analyzing an anomaly or something

ofc, such side quests could only be undertaken by players from those factions, or factions that are friendly, as well as “mercenary players” (who are allowed to take side quests from any faction).
so far, aside being just a flavor, factions per se have almost zero impact on the world, which is kind of a waste of a great potential, both as game options and world building…

posted it here…

along w other stuff for it and other things, but not much hope here tbh.
still, i’ll keep posting ideas 'cuz i like doing so…

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I mentioned before doing sides quest and faction oriented ones when getting to particular levels but it really didn’t get much traction.

I personally like the mode a lot myself.

I went as far as ideas was to include group quests that someone could pick up on the cheap pack vehicles that they could spawn when in the area. Apparently it just takes too much effort for them. I hate to say it but they are a crappy game company even though they have a great game on their hands.


not so much crappy, just too stupid for their own good…


I was like you could offer these sides with packs for added value… They’ll get it in a few years.

Adventure / Awakening with Bot Helicopters swarming about along with the current bot ground forces plaguing the waste land ! Adding up to 8 players per server and allowing clients helicopters as well. You bet that would be awesome ! Come on Dev’s & publishers open up this can-o-worms!

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I’d have fun just gunning them down. Sometimes PVP and Patrol gets really annoying.


I’m curious to see how the AI handles Rotors

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