Can we have a Patrol without coward flyers?

I am sorry but if you play Patrol for anything besides completing a challenge or testing a new vehicle, then I cannot understand your thinking. Yes, the battles are only 3 minutes, not 5, but the Rewards are so terrible. I do see many players that only play patrol when I get my five victories. Also, you cannot take your time to pick the bots apart when you are dead in under sixty seconds because nobody has attacked the bots and they all target you.

I do not play raids. I always play to help the team; the team abandons me.

Some would say that we are incorrect, but you can see with your own eyes how much the grind has increased. We agree!

Clan challenges reward badges, not progress for the season nor the scrap rewards.

My clan leader does not. His helicopter has a Spark for Energy, a Harvester for Melee and a Fuse Drone for Drones and covers all daily challenges without modification. The seasonal challenges will force him to assemble a flying machine gun build, but of course he owns many more machine guns than I.

My regular ground vehicle would only satisfy the challenges once every three days. My aircraft would satisfy the challenges twice every three days without modification, but my aircraft is only for Patrols when Rotors are required. When rotors are not required, then I can assemble several vehicles from blueprints then just use control Z to get my current vehicle back after the five wins. Previously we could use the vehicle log to select our vehicles back, but they eliminated this feature.

Some great allies we get.

Better than throwing your keyboard. MGā€™s are played out and I donā€™t want to use them or shotguns.

They are bots, we should win every time! I carry a damn detector so my allies can play smart and they play so poorly or stupidly or even sabotage their allies to score damage and they do not even try to win.

This is a long one, I might not cover everything. If you help your ground allies stay alive, then they can defend the base or capture the base to outwit the bots. These flyers let all the ground vehicles die before they give any help to the circle if they even ever help at the circle. Even when you are playing for fun, I bet you play to win.

But yet you are demanding the developers & Publishers of Crossout to change the game because of your displeasure? Please let us all know how that works out for you.

Bro, you placed 7/8. I donā€™t think the ā€œcowardā€ choppers are to blame lol.


A complete lack of META enemies?

Winnable battles?

Usable art builds?

Just a few points.


its because i enjoy fighting bots more the pvp players. might be hard to understand why but bots are a tad less frustrating.

they actually lowered them from previous rewards. they went from 15 - 18 scrap per match down to 12 - 13 but you can get 15 if your lucky! ā€¦ not that thats anything to celebrate aboutā€¦
it got bad in raids to. lowered rewards in raids and whatnot, its awful.

i noticed when i was out in the open bots tend to target me in large numbers. id get about 2 - 5 bots targeting me at a time. but if i dip below a hill or around an object they lose focus on me and attack another target. idk what changed but it saved my bumper a few times. i noticed this and took advantage of it by hiding near cover, if im targeted i duck back, make them lose focus then peek out for a shot. it works so long as they arent using a bullcrap weapon.

why not play raids? it helps blow off some steam and its fun blowing up bots. (or in my case when i decide to use spikes, sending them into orbit with that insane impulse lol)

ive noticed overtime how the rewards decreased and it just saddens me that i cant get 40 plastic anymore from raids. i think the rewards should be returned where they were.
oh also i got 84 copper from steel cradleā€¦ lolā€¦ i honestly think they should rework steel cradle and make its entry to the raid cost half as much. i mean 40 fuel for a raid that i can get almost double the rewards in inside a raid like perimeter breach is just ridiculous and not worth it.

hey more badges for more resources!

how do you run a drone build on a heli? is that even possible? how does it work?

i wish they didnt remove that featureā€¦ :expressionless:

no joke they fly right in front of me and block my shots. even when im using a jotun theyll just fly in front of me and block my shots. the good ones i help out but the ones who are assholes i just let them die to the bots. serves em right. cause they dont want my help is they block my shots right? let them solo the bots and watch how fast they get obliterated! :crazy_face:

oh wanna know something? we now have ANOTHER pvp mission for the battlepass thats mandatory for helis. im rather tired of that nonsense. i dont want to do pvp and yet they are trying to force it on us. most people say it isnt that bad but i hate pvp.

or they just get swept by the enemy teamā€¦ somehowā€¦ but the thing about that is they artificially inflate the bots damage and hp. i know this because i was fighting a bot with reapers and he was shredding me, i hit his reapers several times with my triple spikes and after 3 times i hit a 4th doing 380 damage and the damn gun wasnt even sparking. its rigged to make you lose at times.

everyone plays to win and of course i want to win, but sometimes your team is so bad you question life itself. its often that i see bots and helis clustered around a swarm of bots while like 2 or 3 bots are on the base and i cant solo them all by myself. its frustrating but what can i do aside from leave the game or accept the loss?



  1. dont rush in. (if ur a ground unit) you will die fast.
  2. choppers are targeted by bots as soon as they fly up, is why most bots are running after them.
  3. when they are running after the chopper ā€˜only shoot at 1 botā€™ not 2 or more and take the aggro or your dead.
  4. bots are OP
  5. most new players chase after rogue bots running around aimlessly around the mapā€”avoid those,stay with the most bots u see in together.
  6. i play patrol for CC Activity points and clan challenges because its fast and easy.
  7. best build in patrol is a chopper now, anything your comfortable with,me i like incinerators.
  8. get use to the game (it wonā€™t ever get use to you) :thinking:

I have that issue even in a ground based vehicles (teammates). I can be just seconds from the kill shot just to have an over zealous team mate come blasting in plowing me off of the enemy and take the kill. Or Block my shots as well . Annoying? Of course especially when you need the points for a daily or weekly! I have had other helicopter team mates purposely flying into my rotors knocking me down and doing the same kill stealing tactic as any ground based vehicle does. Many times putting me into the enemies direct sights and killed. I donā€™t think its just a Helicopter issue but a code of game play ethics issue. Like it or not, its a game take it for what it is and find another battle or log off and chill out until another battle. Oh yeah, Never rush in and be the first victim, bots are unforgiving. That I am a scholar from the school of hard knocks.

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:zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face:

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(post deleted by author)

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Flying drones

Hehā€¦ funnily enough I had someone like that who rammed me to shut off my rotors and get the killā€¦ bot changed direction right after that and went underneath me, I then landed on the cabin and did enough ramage to kill it. He was fuming in the chat after the game, and all I could type was ā€œggsā€, which made him explode. Kinda funny.

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When the free to play players quit (like my whole clan did when they were at the start of open beta and one member actually paid for alpha) then the paying customers will have nobody to fight. This game needs free to play players just as much as the whales.

Yes, with one kill and five assists because I was fighting 6 bots at once while they hid because they are cowards. Why would you not shoot at bots that are occupied shooting your ally? They are not shooting you so free shot for you, but no, you (not you, it is just an expression) hide for 60 seconds and waste the free shots and your ground allies.

Not bad points, but I cannot waste time for such poor rewards. Even losing in PVP rewards more Scrap than winning Patrol.

They deleted all the good raids and ruined raids with their power score scaling and they have terrible MM. Plus, they take too long for terrible rewards. Too repetitive, mind numbing garbage.

You do not activate the rotor and use the spark and harvester to kill while the fuse drone gets you assists.

I posted about that in another topic about how I will be forced to waste time to assemble a machine gun helicopter this weekend. For every blueprint space you have for ground builds, it should add the same number of slots for aircraft.

If you use the map and play smart, then your team should have a capture point lead over the stupid bots. If your team is too focused on killing or scoring damage and not winning, then it is easy to lose to bots. The bots are stupid, they come right by you in enemy base but will leave if you avoid line of site. It is 10 meters from you, and it just drives away if it does not see you. The bots do not play to win.

No, they do not. They just launch their fire where they want the enemy to be and not where it is needed to win, Ie, the base. I survive my initial penetration into the enemy and race back to the blue markers for these coward allies to keep shooting the area they are targeting and not the 5 bots chasing me from behind shooting my ass off. They arenā€™t even looking at the map, just hiding and firing at an area whether any bots are there or not.

I did learn to hide for 60 seconds like the cowards, but I do forget. Hard not to race in when you need to be in the mix to drop your weapons there and to ram them.
I do not own any fire weapons. I just got a second Mace though!