Changes in the mechanics of projectile damage

Hello ! I tested a screen made of pass-through parts against ACs : I got 2 damage to the screen and nothing to the build itself…
Its is specified in the patch note tha nothing will be modified in the mechanism of explosions, i.e. no dmg beyond the explosion radius. If the screen is far away enough, no damage to the build.

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Thanks: I’m assuming AC shells have very little bullet damage, so won’t penetrate much. Not that big of an issue with their fire rate though.
Which AC did you test?

Curious if there’s a big difference between Stillwinds and Whirlwinds, or any of the other explosive shell ACs. Or course whirls and tempest won’t do much, since they just do bullet damage.

Hover is the biggest beneficiary of these penetrable structures, and when they are changed, Hover weakens to a great extent

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Yeah, I agree. Either hovers will have to resort to heavier armour and lose some mobility, or keep their light armour and play a lot more cautiously.
Either way, the current hover meta is definitely going to change.


The principle of the new mechanic is that a warhead only explodes when its bullet damage is completely consumed, but for most ACs, they have no bullet damage, and I have proposed to add a little bullet damage to them to at least let them go through those frame parts

Jokingly, the changes for them are pretty scary but we are talking relics and they should be on the scary side… They do mention they’ll go through balance checking later though, so it doesn’t really worry me much. It will be interesting to see how the changes pan out.

It’s going to make shooting at modules a lot more interesting. It also has me wondering if the Aspect nerf will be regretted too as they are a viable counter build type.

And this change makes Nova cab the best cabin in the game again. Nova’s 500 HP shield can eat a full round of bullet damage from a cannon to allow spaced armor to do its thing. I think that Kami/Griffon/Beholder cabins are in for a world of hurt as some well placed shots are going to bore through half a build.

Are we sure they do no bullet damage, or is it just so low that it’s not noticeable?
Either way, the fire rate of ACs allows them to be much more effective against spaced armour than cannons currently are. Doesn’t take that many shots to burrow into spaced armour with them, at least compared to the long reload of cannons.

I’m pretty sure that ACs, Rockets, grenades and Pulsars do pure explosive damage and have zero bullet damage.

I’m not even sure how we could test that, assuming bullet damage on ACs is as low as I assume it would be.

AC’s have a combination. Low bullet damage with small penetration, low explosion damage. Different balance between the damages on different ones.
Tempest types have bullet and impulse instead of explosion.

I say this from how they feel playing them, it doesn’t mean this is actually how they work.


I did a series of tests on the blast diameters of autocannons. Diameter is the whole width of the explosive block. Stillwinds have a blast diameter of 6 blocks, Cyclones and Joules have a blast diameter of 5 blocks, and whirls have a blast diameter of 3 blocks. I think you could test whether there is any bullet damage in autocannons to test my theory by shooting something with bullet resistance but not blast resistance and see whether it takes less damage. Is there any such part? I think the DC screener part is gun damage resisted only.


Aren’t the lunar wheels resistant to bullet damage?

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I will check this out.


Spaced armor is clearly an exploit of pass-through pieces and this change is just giving the cannons the damages they are supposed to deal.

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This will ruin the game… it will become world of tanks… light cabin builds will be one shotted and only heavy cabins will be viable anywhere 8k power score and up…

It is confirmed with bullet resistant bumper Screener. ACs have some bullet damage. Tested with Cyclones.


I hope you’re wrong, but if you’re right, hang in there . The devs are pretty good at attemptingto fix what they and we break.

Thanks! I appreciate your commitment to testing!

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No it won’t. Speed and mobility will still be better than heavy armour on most builds, although hopefully it will make heavy cabins more viable.