It is very lonely place at high ps

Another thing too is that your on console which got 6 max pvp as opposed to 8 max pvp for pc so 6 players is easier to come by than 8 and now that crossplay is a thing than I say the odds are that console queue times are not nearly as bad as pc these days.

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I find the sweet spot “high” ps to be 10-13K ps
It feels the most active and the most reachable for many people, like I can’t bloat my builds past 15k by any means just because I did not purchase finwhale and have a jackie I guess for that extra bloat. Or many movement parts, let alone relics. No idea even the beefiest builds I can muster up never go past 15k no matter how hard I try to bloat them up. I might be able to get a barely moving avalanche blob to 18k if I try hard enough but it does not perform good enough, and then I’ll just tone it down, make it smaller, still have all the same modules etc and I am back at 13-14k and doing much better overall


I finds that is the sweet spot as well but my barely moving firebug goliath blob called the fire walrus is too high ps even with just apollo equipped and I refuse to play a dog build just not my style so I’m forever stuck with brutal long queue times with that build and even my 18.8k skadi Ice Walrus has trouble finding matches.

This is the issue. While having a bunch of goliaths on a single build is fun and durable (I had 6 at one point, was fun), it is also SUPER high PS, so maybe taking the goliaths off and using actual armor parts could be beneficial? I’m not sure, just a thought :smiley:

Not an option. I seriously can’t think of any other way to make fire bug work besides goliaths that is not a dog build believe it or not. The hitbox of both skadi and firebug seems like it was made to work with goliath and there is even an area of the goliath track that you can use to glitch your shots out from and the enemy can’t do nothing about it besides take the track off unless he is high up or using scorpions.

Not sure what to tell you then. :sob:

people play patrol now cuz everyone is sick of dealing with ppl running the same builds nd grouped up high ego no skilled players

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