Seems good to me. Less missile spam will be good.

No nerf to Huginn? Probably devs plays with it. It should have less HP, or be slower a bit. They are everywhere and ruin normal games.

Is this true? I don’t think so.

Hmm. Guess I wont be armoring my juicies with sabbaths on my spider builds anymore.

A good portion of my fuses are changing. if blast radius was an option, it’s what i fused for.

i seriously hope this is some kind of sick joke. i have a REALLY GOOD roll on my aurora and this change will make it completely useless!
mine has mass - 17%, barrel spool-up time -35%, part heating rate +25%
if this change happens itll get rid of my heating rate from my aurora, this is so frustrating because i got so damn lucky on this before only to have it taken away!

lol i cant wait to see that.

ive seen them ALOT on clan confrontation when i tried it out and man its annoying to see nothing but those and brick builds.

bombs awaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!
i imagine you dropping it on someone and blowing them up instead which would be hilarious.

thats going to seriously hurt my raid build because thats alot of weight being added to it and ill need to restructure stuff AGAIN after another pointless change. and who in their right mind uses explosives as ARMOR!? hey guys be sure to strap some C4 to your car before you go out raiding! it really helps absorb bullet damage!

i had a feeling they would add ammo to the miller. the ability to fire nonstop with armor piercing rounds every 15th shot is pretty powerful. i get that they want to reduce its effectiveness but i wouldnt think they are that broken.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXCUSE ME?! first off the blight shouldnt be nerfed. if anything it should have its bonus reduced according to the tier of weapon being used. epics get no reduction, legendary get 5% reduction and relics get a 10 - 15% reduction. ive always said the blight is broken on builds like firebugs, but to nerf its efficiency on incinerators is just ridiculous.

well looks like im making a warewolf cab for the lols.

so this is a worst upgrade. they are downgrading this from spread -17% to “spread stability +12%” how is this a good thing??

The people in here that don’t understand how to use ammo packs as armor are self reporting. rip


I saw that guy out there just yesterday.

I can’t say it has ever occurred to me to use them as armor either. You’re saying that works?

Yes - especially in very high PS and CW PvP where parts limit is the main limiting factor. You can use them as the outermost armor since they’re just big pieces of armor if you compare them to other pieces of regular armor in the game. Just think about it. You might not play in that arena, but aside from the fact that it explodes, it’s an incredibly efficient piece of armor weight-wise for a single part.

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The big ones are a classic hover side armor part. Mount them on some random pole, maybe they fall before exploding, maybe they explode dealing 35 white damage because they’re far af. Win/win

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This game doesn’t make any gddmn sense to me…it’s probably a good example of all the wonky schit they just paint over and ignore, and instead of addressing they just go “Look, kids! New stuff!” Now, at this point, the game has this huge pile of wonky schit, and it’s out of control.

I would hate to tackle this game’s issues, so good for them, in finally cancelling some wonky schit, by nerfing that exploit. I’d like to see them spend this next year doing nothing but that, but I doubt they can afford to do that.

They’ve groomed this community into thinking they need new stuff every week, and cultivated a very aggressive audience that I doubt would tolerate any break in their incessant marketing campaign, despite them usually complaining about anything new they do actually develop. It’s an odd group, I think, and there’s probably a good reason I am a part of it (down with the sickness).


The only new thing I need every week is a balance patch tbh :eyes:

They’re adressing some issues. The movement parts thing seems like the thing that will finally solve tonnage exploits and problems across the game. Making the ammo box heavier makes sense to reduce its use as armor.

The thing is, we get a patch every 3 months and they introduce bullshit every two weeks. Maybe in three months they’ll fix the sub-epic movement parts’ balance they murdered two years ago when they introduced the special rarity…

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If they broke the statistics down for the Astraeus they would find that it performs rather poorly, its just me being an absolute boss slaughtering everybody on PC in NA with them. It doesnt matter how good an Athena player is, an Astraeus master will always beat them. They cant have that.

This nerf takes the gun from 135 dps down to 98 dps. Absolutely fucking obscene. 190 base damage, 10% base damage nerf to 179, plus a 25% reload nerf, plus a perk nerf from 60% to 50%. 4.5s reload (.5s charge) to 5.5s. They will literally kill this gun with these changes.

All the hardest nerfs in this game are directed at me! First they killed my dual auger Tsunami, then they nerfed tf out of my Omnis, and now they are brutalizing my Astra’s for the 2nd time.

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Me? If ur going to be aggressive dont be underhanded and passive about it. It just makes you look worse than me.

To be fair, it was everywhere, and I probably saw 5 times more Astraeus in CW than Kaiju or Thyrsus these last months. I see lots of people doing very goood with it, and never played against you.

But overkill nerf, for sure.

is the astraeus the epic version of the scorpion? the one that damages you at a full charge? i cant remember… ive wanted to get one of those before but due to that hard of a nerf theres no way in hell ill be doing that. its a shame because i actually wanted to try it out.

So has anyone tried the test server yet?
Very curious about the new wedge fix, and the new system for movement parts that don’t touch the ground.

The rest of the balance stuff is interesting, but those two things are the really big changes that could potentially make a huge difference.

Dog ears may no longer be as effective as they currently are! Spiders that use other movement parts as armour and/or for tonnage will have to change! Heavy vehicles may become a lot harder to push around!

These two changes may lead to new metas, and will likely change some of the old ones.

Have to wait till the first of Dec…

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Whoops, should have read closer!

I actually had to go double check when you said it as I’d have jumped on. lol

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Hi Poony, Explain this. Why do you think dog ears might be out? They are used to catch hovers and then push them across the map with the difference in traction between wheels and hovers. Does tonnage have something to do with the way Dog ears work now? I had never thought of that.

I’m already nervous about the nerfs to Blight and Flash and if there is a firedog mechanic nerf I’d like to know about it to get a jump on the market.



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