Over 5k points with only 6 players

nope,you will get banned after so many flags…
i lost my 'Trust Level Regular 'and now have this,
Trust Level member :sob:
and i was the first to come to the new forum,so i can’t get it back now.i already asked the Mods.
*side note…don’t play with trolls :crazy_face:


Ah… well, if I get flagged so much I’m banned, I guess I’ll just have to find some other way to find meaning in my life other than this forum. :clown_face: :rofl: :wink:

in the beginning when the forum first launched,flagging was the thing to do,to get the patch or just be an a hole.
just glad the trolls stick to reddit and not here anymore… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Reddit… The dumpster fire of the internet.