Hi everyone,
sorry for having to start a new topic but the old one where the moderators suggested we contact [HornOchse] is locked and I tried to send him 2 messages but so far I haven’t gotten any response, It’s been more than a week since I got a sudden unjust ban during the football championship, the one that says account blocked for multiple violations of terms , blocked until 2052 EULA.
for no reason at all me and some many other users are wrongfully banned please try to fix this ASAP as I have spent a lot of time and money on this account.
I currently play on PC and my user ID is : AhmedSalah996
thanks in advance.
Try to DM him on discord
Could you provide a discord link please ?
This is the official server of the game
And in the player list u will find all GM’s and a few Devs