What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

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Never heard Godsmack before (IDK why), but holy-crap he sounds like Hetfield…before he went flaccid (prior to “And Justice for all,” and post “Kill’em All”)

I like it. It’s lyrically viscous too. I might have to bust out my axe and grind hard core for a moment just to get that out of my system after listening to that.

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The first part is NOT what the whole song sounds like. I love this band, me and my daughters saw them live. For anyone that has not heard this genre of music before it is called “Post Hardcore”

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fuFbQ-Mewfw lol

Appropriate after playing quite a bit last night. Seeing all the new spider builds and playing my pre-leg builds.

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@81859446 Darksynth moment, let’s goooo! I’m usually into slower stuff, but if you like the faster stuff…

@16621267 Post-rock stoner doom thing? NP, got you covered mate.

@60915652 Still blasting this after all these years:

The world needs more of that wisdom UwU


Usually I can pick a weapon to go with the song. but WTF weapon do I use today? Kapkans?


i love this song.
and retchers i would think with this song. :crazy_face:


Poor Casbah doesn’t need the Clash to be rocked these days.

Good timing for that Karen Mustaine song too


gonna play this today while I play. good song imo.

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Talking about megadeth I just uploaded this a few hours ago. I was showcasing just how bad my new cheap 15$ webcam that came in the mail was lol.

Edit: Here is the cleaned up version and I’m deleting the one I originally posted. I’m gonna start doing covers of various metal songs on my channel for any one that’s interested.

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