What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

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Yeah…now I’m gonna have to go work on my Skyrim mod.

Love the pipes.

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Good song Redshift, Skynet would not approve :laughing:
personally i just hit a radio station when i play crossout.

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Can you guess what I’m building in the Garage?


I play my xbox 360 version without mods and always have, though if I had it on PC I would mod it out with mods


I replaced my game’s version of this song with her version, because it’s so badass.

I’ve been working on my one single mod for years. I keep loosing it, changing it, or loosing the data associated with it, my computer has crashed, hard drives die, I’ve learned new tricks I had to incorporate, had glitches, etc.

Ultimately, what I want to make is a cool Skyrim PDF reader. I want to be able to read my books in the fantastic Skyrim ambiance, on the deck of my haunted ghost ship, gently rocking on the waves of some beautiful harbor. I’m very close to that now, and working on the final act that’ll bring me to where I can do that and relax. That’s my goal.

I just need to wrap up the travel rout of the haunted ghost ship (the SS Haunted Doll) at the bottom of my dungeon crawler. That’s the final chapter. It’s supposed to bring the player to all the different shipwrecks in Skyrim to exploit those already established exploration side missions for my mod, and reconnect it properly to the world of Tamriel…then I can retire on deck and read my books.

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Skyrim is a testament to how a good day will last even when it becomes outdated in terms of graphics etc
Sadly to me a lot of the games that come out now are pretty looking garbage, case in point rushed out games or games shoving a political viewpoint even though that’s not what the premise of the game supposed to be

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Ya…I decided to grow a beard and go check that out.


On Topic:


I was listening to The HU the other day. We use the same style hand drums, though we don’t throat sing.




Beware of the Rebirth and Behave,
Good song DocSavage and good advice for kids to stop trolling :zipper_mouth_face:

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Me, clicking on the video: “Please tell me it’s a woman :sob:
Me after watching the video: still straight :open_mouth: :dash:

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