13 minute queue into 14500ps cLassic?


Because the game is dead

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It’s not very popular in American region. I’m playing either EU or RU (with auto region) and while connect times are bad, it’s more like a minure or maybe two max

I don’t region lock though…?

Because crossout (like most other online games) try to find matches with low ping first. If you wait long enough it will expand the max ping range for matches, and in crossout it takes alot of time.

You have a yt…im not listening to you

That’s an odd reason not to take what I say into consideration.

And most anyone on this forum (and even a number of people in game) will try to tell you the game is dead.

Also, a number of changes the devs have been making seems to be putting off older players, so most of the players are in much lower PowerScores. 14500 (that is pretty high…) just isn’t populated.

The game sucks above 10kps. Why would I derive any enjoyment from 10k+, the builds become giant slow bricks with a 60s+ time to kill and the game becomes the most braindead mecha game where nobody can maneuver yet they all play with third person shooter controls. At that point the gameplay is such a similar yet watered down verson of other games. This game needs a roll back to what it was before supercharged, with camera steer being removed.
Just look at how it was marketed in OBT and the INSANE amount of players and hype it had. People want a car game where people are zooming around, exploding, and catching air going over a little bump.


Its the best reason i have.

Its a valid reason, given the toxicity i have received ingame from several different yt players ingame. And i bet they were fake yt’s and they dont have channels. Have not been acquainted with a genuine and polite yt ingame ever.

Do you have a channel?

You can say the game is dead,

but that would be a lie, wouldnt it be?

Yes, it would be.

If 1000 players say the game is dead, then, 1000 players would also be wrONG

The best determining feature to ascertain if the game is actually dead, is this,You wont be able to type about it, neither here nor ig General chaT

Happy grinDing

Bro… almost the entire community is radioactive. The YT doesn’t make a difference.

Then you’ve clearly never talked to me in gen chat.
Or art builders, they’re usually pretty chill

Yeah, but I’m not very active

“Dead game” is usually used to describe a game that used to have hype or lots of players, but then fell off. Crossout is pretty dead, it’s been in a coma and the whales have been keeping its life support online

So yes, the game is dead.

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That is all it is especially after 15k ps. Builds with 8000+ hp most of the time and loaded to the gills with augers which tanks even more shots so the overall durability is probably over 50 000. Then you got scorpion/helicon hovers behind the super auger bricks bulldozing thru the middle, cannon wheeled bricks flanking and zig zagging from the sides. High ps is way more competitive compared to a couple of years ago that’s for sure.


And people wonder why i stayed at 4-8k ps for the last 9 years :joy:
You nailed it man, i dont wanne play world of tanks sit still slug fest.

Ohw god,

Well, its not dead, even by your description, in my opinion. Do you know why? Because the standard is not actual, or even measured, its a baseline, a fake baseline for dead, an imagined one.

Now, i see you like copy paste/quotes to remind youself about your question about every aspect of said quote.
Lucky for everybody, im not like th@ lol

Happy grinDing

Btw, the game is alive and well, if anything, its undeaD

We understand 4 to 8kps. Takes a certain kinda of steel to maintain high levels of grit and stamina and getting crushed by tankards

Kitchen, hot

Happy grinDing from 14 to 16kps

On ps4,
Yes, its like that up here, and i love it.

I love being part of a group of able capable randoms in anywhere from 13000ps to near 17. The thrill of the win against unknown groups and clan groups, is absolutely wonderful, to say the least.
I woodnt have it any other way.

The thought of myself dropping below 10kps, after arriving long long LONG ago, is below me, so i dont.

Average waits are 3 to 5min around 14000ps, depending on events and cc cw uw etc etc,

Its not my fault all the clubbers have sought refuge in sub10k, which in turn, leaves post 10kps, starving for players sometimes.

Players newly entering 10kps plus, are faced with a fair fight, as opposed to the clubbers they will have left behind.
The clubbers will have to find and face people who now have appropriate allies.
So whot do the clubbers do instead? They live in sub10kps

Happy grinDing

Ps4 14700ps

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I don’t think it is seal clubbers that is the reason sub 10k is soo tough! I think it is just clan con that got that done for the most part. Before clan con came along low ps was a breeze but now everyone has turned into the most extreme sweats you can imagine at that power score.

Nahhh just get good. CC might me a sweatfest but it’s not untolerable.
Obviously it will be untolerable if you use builds like this, but that’s a major skill issue

Its about 30 second to 1 minute in 4-8k PS.
So why do you even go that high?
Enemies take longer to kill, the wait times are much longer, the rewards are the same.
That doesnt sound like “Happy grinDing” to me :grimacing:
It sounds like you like to handicap your grinding income and make it slower and more difficult.


I didnt say sub 10k was tough. For me, it was never tough.

I implied it was an unfair arena, when i sed it becomes a fair fight post 10k where the clubbers arent.

Happy grinDing