A brief description of what I think now

It’s kind of true. Like everything in the match maker they are soft rules that bend depending on population of the que at that time.

In a perfect world the match maker would do it all the time.

I don’t think what you are describing is exactly what we are talking about.
I definitely wouldn’t expect to be noticed by anyone I kill, other than the occasional new player who is taking things too seriously.
It’s more that an easy kill is only mildly rewarding compared to one you had to work for.
I prefer to face opponents who are as good or better than me, and I doubt that I’m alone on that.
I’ve seen you post that you don’t play low PS much because it’s not challenging enough, or that you feel guilty for clubbing. Same thing as what I’m saying.

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Your not alone. I also prefer this.

That is why most of the time I only play High PS - because at that point everyone should have a good amount of skill and gear.

And if they don’t by then, they may never have it.

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Yep… that’s it. Taking out a guy with a similarly equipped rig is nice & all, but as an example…

I don’t remember the exact PS of the rig involved, but I was in my 6500 shotgun build recently & managed to run down a weird triple-hover dual-scorp player. I was the lightest player, so the kill felt even better.

I don’t even remember if we won the match, but that kill was crazy fun. The two of us chatted for a minute after the match & stroked each other’s egos for a minute. That’s about as good as XO gets for me.

Not sure… I’m tempted to log into one of our starter accounts & run some PVP to see what I see…

I get that, but it’s usually something along the lines of “thanks again for… whatever…” When I grind out the side missions or goof off in Bedlam, I sometimes end up in a kinda’ mentoring situation with new guys. They remember me. I often don’t remember them. I’m horrible with names in game and in real life.

Thank God I’m married, or I’d know like 12 people’s names. :joy:

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I have noticed that on PS4 there are a lot of newer players in high PS who got there thanks to BP items.
As a result, I don’t find there’s a huge skill difference between 9kPS and 16kPS. I’m guessing above that there’s more of a difference.

But when I go below 9kPS, there’s definitely a lot of newer players. If it weren’t for the death squads keeping things interesting, I would probably never play below 8kPS.

Most of the builds I play falls around 16k- 18k

On Xbox at that PS the games are going to range from 14k up to the highest. (Maybe more like 16k+ with a rando 14-15k guy or two)

I normally only play at night during US primetime.

Most of the guys I see are the non-clan guys that have played for years (everyone knows most of their name) and then all of the CW meta guys.

Sure you get a few rando dudes that pushed their way up with BP stuff. But they die fast and the rest of the match is more competitive.

80% of the guys (on Xbox) at that PS level are all fused out META or high PS death squads or both.

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this is why the only reasonable solution I can come up with is a graduated PS increase. I want to be able to build what I want to build.

The PS system isn’t broken, it is abused. Some curbing of that should be addressed, because of power creep.

I am regularly facing 16k groups on a 10k build. one is on the impulse video i posted. I think how you que has something to do with the groupings you are put in? My 20 minutes of moving part A back and forth 200 times between matches…

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I’ve mentioned that reality before with people doubting it.
My theory is that if you have a build you’re successful with - part rarity be damned - the MM is brutal.
Which adds to the reality that you need a variety of weapons, cabs, hardware & movement parts to keep the MM guessing. :laughing: