A new promotion “wasteland of wonders” has begun!

1.The point is the loss of player base.

2.True never said different

  1. It is a public access spread sheet of past & current Steam stats copied & shared Not sure where you’re "Theories’ " minutia came from.

We were specifically talking about the proportion of new players, and their retention levels.
Steam chart gives us no useful info to talk about that. All it shows is an overall decline, on Steam specifically.
So any argument you are deriving from that chart is by definition only a theory.

If I am missing something in that chart that relates to the question of new player retention, please correct me.

Look at the post of mine that you quoted when you posted that chart. And then tell me how it answers any of what I said in that quote.

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just want to ask why dont we get the waving cat as a decor item?
sure, the remote possibility of winning 25k coins is nice and all, but i just want the cat.
why not a free cat for everyone who submitted paws?
if not this cat, then please give us a cat at some point, as cats are severely under represented in this game.
please, give us cat content.


:thinking: If you loose you still get a prize from the kitty litter box! A heaping helping of kitty :poop: The big goose egg only in cat edition LMBO!

Eh…I’m not a cat person. They piss all over my garbage cans and leave mouse heads here and there. BUT…I love racoons! Racoons keep the cats away. We need racoons!

Plus, racoons always smile at people. And they don’t spit up foul-smelling hairballs.

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I like raccoons too (and live in a city with a very large population), but you need to be careful to not come into close contact with their poop. They carry some bad diseases that you don’t want to be exposed to.
Also, my city has had to redesign our garbage bins to prevent the raccoons from getting into them and making disgusting messes. But not long after, they figured out how to break past the latches. They are very smart.

I wanted the beckoning cat sculpture too… Would be even happier if it was garage decor.

I wouldn’t mind some racoons either.