A Rare Thing

When Targem Games does something right.
It took them over 5 years to realize this and implement it.
Im speaking about the carjack and the flipping mechanic.

Nowadays it is 10 seconds of upside down time, but it used to be 30 seconds for many years.
And the carjack to flip yourself cost 1 energy point, so many people didnt use it.
Im glad to see targem has improved this mechanic and made the carjack 0 energy points.



Going so well


It needed to be 0 energy for a long time, it’s a good change.

I still don’t put it in many of my cars though.

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It’s never been better…not for long anyway.

“The end result of Crossout’s F2P approach is that players who don’t have good parts will inevitably lose to those who’ve ponied up, or those who’ve spent days and days grinding. The rich will get richer because they’ll win more often, and those who want to keep up will have to devote a ton of time or open up their wallets. Although I haven’t done any hard calculations (and of course, a lot depends on a person’s win/lose ratio) making progress in Crossout seems like a full-time job that I don’t want to apply for.” -Brad Galloway 2017

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WTF are you talking about? My point was the game has always been this way…dumb ass.

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Your point was quoting some wanker

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


Just for reference, those posts here (mine) are the kind of posts that merit flagging. They are obscene, caustic, and inflammatory.

Kids posting popular youtube reviews of this game do not warrant flagging, and are an abuse of the system, but if there is no distinction going to be made, expect me to ratchet up my inner-asshole, as I fuck back.

Standards, or no standards? That is the question.

I can be civil, and I’ve tried to see things from both sides, really I have, but stifling genuine conversation is not acceptable. People have a right to their opinions about the products they consume, and a right to know what the content of those products are, and a right to discuss it.

If that is not allowed, and civil discourse is discouraged by unwarranted flag spamming, then I don’t feel obligated to play by any forum rules, and don’t expect any modicum of civility from me. I’ll give you some shit to flag, if you like.


Funny thing is wasn’t me flagging, but it’s funny seing you bark all triggered like that. Like ou my, you can curse on internet, how original.

Once again, WTF are you talking about? Nobody, NOBODY, said you were. I think you’re arguing with the voices in your head. Maybe go check your dosage, but piss-off either way.


whatever dawg

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Why are so many replies marked “view ignored content?”


Welcome to the show, survivor. Pour yourself a drink, relax, and please don’t feed the trolls.

