About the contest organized on the Discord server !?!

And the same person won the contest again.




and now I have been punished again for voicing it. 7 days mute ??

Please find a solution for this injustice now.
Now I will also contact Gajin customer service. and I will show everyone the injustice that has been done to me.

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Bro itā€™s literally just for a few days of premiumā€¦ even if it was rigged then itā€™s really not anything to care aboutā€¦

Bro, I did not open a topic for 3-day premium. I opened a topic for the ā€œwarningā€ I received.
And now 7 days mute.
My aim is to defend my rights against unfair warning penalties and chat bans.

What are you trying to gain though?

You wonā€™t get anything out of it except more mutes.

You have no proof so what do you expect?

If you are literate, you can look at the photo evidence and my messages above.
Itā€™s true that Iā€™m being muted for defending my rights, but at least Iā€™m not running behind GMs like you and grabbing their skirts. :slight_smile:

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lol its a russian game.you have no rights :thinking: :rofl: :kissing_heart:

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What photo evidence? That someone won a few times out of a random selection? Are you serious and want to say Iā€™m the illiterate one?

Youā€™re being muted because you make baseless accusations, Iā€™m sure the first time they told you no and you just kept doing it with no actual proof

The same person won the last contest:


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The contest was to make an vehicle suitable for snow and they had a good one

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If you wanna win then put some effort in

Are you the contest organizersā€™ lawyer or are they paying you to defend themselves here?
Explain this so everyone knows.
How do you know Iā€™m not making an effort?

You should try to be yourself. You should stop kissing the modsā€™ skirts. :wink: