AC-62 Therm and BP?

I thought this way the first year I played.

My advice to every new player would be: Pick one build. Fuse EVERYTHING. Now you are not at a disadvantage farming. Farming becomes easier and more efficient and most importantly more FUN. This is a long haul game if you want any variety in weapons (or cash dump I guess).

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I would respectfully disagree with you. Not only would I never again fuse Epic or higher weapons, I would also never craft Epic or higher weapons again.

Once you realize you can farm all PVP Resources with 5000 PS vehicle and you can easily reach 7000 Power Score using only Epic Cabin, Epic Wheels, Epic Engine, Epic Detector, Epic Camo, and Rare or Special Weapons.
There is no need for Epic or Legendary or Relic Weapons to farm Resources.

Then, PVE, formerly, you took all your great gear and made a Power Score Monster and went Raiding.
Now, because of Raid Scaling, you build your Raider just over the minimum required for the Raid, so 8000-9000 is the largest Power Score you need to reach Electonics. Legendary Cabin, Epic Engine, Epic movement Parts, Epic Modules and you have no need now to have Epic Weapons as well. Your Fused Special Weapons are as good as unfused regular Epics, so just fuse and use your Special Weapons for Raids or even Fused Rare Weapons for Easy and Normal Raids.
Bigger is not better in Raids anymore.

So, in conclusion, because you do not require Epic or higher Weapons to play the game modes, then you have no need to fuse any of these Weapons.

And then once you do this you realize you have nothing to farm for.

I understand where you are coming from Tutor, and from a farming standpoint you would be correct that you don’t “need” anything more then that. But like in real life I “want” more then that and epics just are not good enough for everything I want to do in the game.

My goals are just a little higher then many that play this game. I want “everything” in the game fused. 100%

P.S. I don’t do daily’s or raids (unless I have to for a BP or something like that).

I agree crafting higher up the part rarity tier may not be worth it for some, but I understand why people want to craft and fuse epic and higher, though that’s coming from a person who’s crafted every rarity that can be crafted including relics

I like crafting. It gives me a goal to work towards that’s more interesting than trying to clear weekly challenges.
But if resource prices are high, I’ll sell the ones I’m farming and buy some new toys.
I don’t find it takes me that long to craft an epic purely from resources, meaning that I’m crafting every ingredient. Legendaries take more time than I usually have patience for. Currently grinding out three annihilators, but thankfully I had workpieces for a lot of the ingredients to make it cheaper/faster.

I have everything on ps4. Im more compelled to play on mobile atm because…idk…im still a baby there i guess and it feels newer. Like a chibi version of xout with cars that are half the size.

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You all of course are correct in your well-spoken opinions. But this is a new player, who may not have experienced the nerf hammer ruing his epic and legendary weapons shortly after crafting or fusing them. A week later, bam nerf hammer! Harvester ruined, Caucasus ruined, Tacklers ruined, Maulers ruined (Druzhbas) Quasars nerfed, Fuse drones nerfed into the ground, the Clarinet Tow was so overpowered, ruined. I never crafted a Tow luckily.
All were op and desirable, fell for it over and over again, ruining stuff I farmed long hours to obtain, or in the Tacklers spending hard earned coins on the Market.
Cabins and Modules rarely get ruined. The Favorite Cabin could be considered ruined after the rework, but I bought it cheap after the rework, code for nerf hammer.
We all have coins to waste if we get burned.
Test drive Epic weapon vehicles first and if you really want them, then get them, be picky what you go for, if it appears overpowered then expect the nerf hammer. Some Epic Weapons are pretty cheap

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Chasing the current OP items is never a good idea, unless you have the coins.
But I don’t think any of those items have really been ruined. They’re still all viable in PVP, but some require more work to perform well with. But yes, at one time, all were OP, but I don’t think it’s bad that they’re just average now.


No one is telling a brand new player to upgrade epics or legendaries. We are telling the player strategies we think might be useful.

If I went back to Month One, I would have fused a build out of machine guns, or shotguns or rapiers and my cabin wheels etc. Because a lot of the game is farming at a lower level when you start, especially if you are F2P and have the lower resource rewards.

I think I misunderstood the topic and replies. Thanks!

My goal is to raise my KBP to 3.00. Thus, fusing parts only during specials, I use a fused Call Cabin, Fused Maxwell, Fused Cheetah, 4 Fused Bigfoot Wheels, Fused Special Rarity Cloak, and either 3 Fused Hawks or 3 Fused Pythons.

I fight an uphill battle because of how many Missions I fought under the old counting system offsetting the progress I make under the new counting system.

Thus, Hawks and Cobras are good at getting kills and kill assists.
My goal is to win, get 4 kills or more and earn over 40 points per Mission.
So, I do not need any expensive weapons to reach my goals and I do not want to be so powerful or overpowered that I get bored right away.

A recent example, the Season Autocannon Mission. I used my fused Favorite Cabin, my 3 Fused AC43 Rapiers, a Fused Improved Radar, a Radio, a Fused Hot Red, and my 4 Fused Bigfoot Wheels. No Generator, no Cooling Modules, no Detector or Cloak, just 12 Energy spent on Fused Rare Weapons. I was killing everything in sight, so powerful from distance, no one could get near me, at least not with any weapons remaining.
I was so bored! MVP every other battle, second place the others. Luckily, I completed the Challenge quickly.