Adapt or die

I think you are just describing META?

Meta is a cycle

  1. everyone plays “insert OP build here”
  2. Make build to defeat OP build (AKA busting up the meta)
  3. New build becomes Meta
  4. go back to step 1

This is the kind of builder I have always been.
The clan builds I share with the Xbox community help define the Meta. I’ll post a build and a few days later they are everywhere.

I think in Crossout when people talk about meta builds, they mean established builds that many people are playing versions of.
Players who choose to chase those meta builds are the ones that seem most frustrated by changes, as it can be expensive to fuse everything perfectly to get that edge.
People who don’t play established meta builds are more likely to be constantly experimenting and exploring every new change and weapon, and can adapt more easily.

Sometimes the experiments of the latter group end up spawning new metas, but they don’t truly become meta builds until lots of people start copying that design.


Well if you’ve crawled through my exhibition and a MastoDON’T on wheels is the most meta build you could find, I think I’ll be fine. I no longer own Scorps, Typhoons or Porcuckpine and haven’t for a couple of years by now. I currently own 6 relics, saving up coin for a third Ripper (insecure meta chasers, anyone?). Before the two Rippers I bought some weeks ago (I sold a bunch of legendaries and ~900 uranium), I have crafted most of the relics I’ve ever had with Uranium I got from CW. I might have twice as many CW battles on account than I have regular PvP battles by now. All but one of my “firedogs” are on the exhibition for everyone to see as well (they’re all Icebox Draco artsy builds). I have one meta Blight Draco that I only bring out in CW once in a blue moon when I need to burn out some other tumour, like a porcuckpine hover. I have exactly ZERO patches for purple flying drones, so I don’t know where you’ve got the notion that I use the Yaoguai either.

PS: My post was about players that are insecure and ONLY play the toxic meta and then tell everyone to “adapt” by also playing that same meta BS when someone says that the meta sucks. And I’ve met a great deal of such players, and the more they had their mouths full of “adapting” and using the meta, the more they actually needed to use that meta in order to compete. I never told anyone to use the meta, quite on the contrary. So perhaps tone down your toxicity and try adding some reading comprehension next time :kissing_heart:

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it was that or this…either way :crazy_face:

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k dad.

English speakers, idk… It’s my native language and it’s rage inducing sometimes - trying to have a critical discussion about actions of a developer - when there are so many goody-two-shoes arouund with this kind of generalized caustic announcement.

Like… “Yes, dude. Wow. Nice. - You said what anyone already could’ve told you, and made a smug teacher’s-pet kind of face - fricken’ bravo”

Other cultures don’t do this as much as English speaking cultures, just saying. That aside - when a Developer… Sells a GUN … in a PVP GAME … FOR REAL MONEY … along WITH some goodies in a battlepass that many folks buy including myself - PRIMARILY for the GOODIES not the GUN… Then NERFS THE GUN immediately AFTER the first 3-4weeks of the RELEASE of the battlepass … When every casual minded player tells newbs who want to open their wallet to “buy the pass idunno the gun is gud”… and the devs SMACK it out of the new players hands…

Guy cmon. That’s an issue worth mentioning. Stats like “rotation speed” - well not a big deal eh? BIG DEAL if you want to PLAY on a POPULATED SERVER dude - with high ping? GOOD LUCK with Parsers after that one!! Oh, ADAPT right I forgot… I’ll switch to auto region and cook dinner while I wait for 10m for one match. Or… did you mean “Adapt” as in just never use parsers again?
Thanks Dad, you’re right.

  • demonstration aside - instead of being passive aggressive OP, make a statement. Not a General Statement in another post because you are afraid to speak to the issue you have with something someone wrote sometime somewhere else… Speak your mind. Have Conviction. HAVE an argument. Dad. Yeah it’s scary huh whooooo maybe you will be wrong. No doubt someone will try to roast me for my opinion here - who cares - THAT’s how I see it. THAT’s what I Know. I’m not scared to call you a goody-two-shoes for posting “Just a reminder” like some kind of boner. Someone will think I’m “mad” because I wrote more than a one line joke reply with some gif that I call a “meme” on it… who cares?

But at least I’m not talking down to anyone who reads my scrawl - I’m talkin to YOU op.
Go eat your applesauce.

I dunno about all that. Even after the nerf, I get lots of MVPs on my Parser build whenever it’s shotgun day.
That gun was ridiculously strong when it was first released, but it’s still very good if you play it right.

I don’t regret a single Battlepass purchase. Some items get nerfed, some get buffed, but the passes are still a great value, and I regret scrapping previous BP items. I thought I needed the coins, but it wasn’t worth it.

Edit: I just realized you were calling me “caustic”. I think you might be projecting there a little bit.

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that isn’t as linear as you say.
Let’s see.
Adapt or die if one refuses to adapt.
To tell you the truth and looking back, where i experiment the most difficulties is in the weapon department, just because a weapon is powerful doesn’t mean i will like it, so i tend to stick to what i know, with more traditional weaponry.
I don’t use Meta builds, sometimes i check the exhibit to see what’s going on or to have an idea how a thing is made if i have a problem building a specific thing.
So far i have 6 main builds (the rest are old racers and older builds from the beginning or very close to where i began, i like to see the “DNA” of my current builds, how much from the old still exists).
Slaughter event was a milestone for me and my build capabilities, and yes i still have the skeleton of that 5k build (the only thing missing is the weapons) 4 of my builds have the “DNA” of that small build .
But suddenly i end up with nothing working (co-driver rework), so, finally i went heavy and i still not only reached the final form but also i’m still not at full force.

So, i’m still struggling to adapt…i’m always struggling.
Not that long ago a guy went to check me and asked me how a guy with 30 prestige had only one legendary. (i have 4 now)

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I think you’re doing fine: you are experimenting and improving your builds in reaction to changes. As you say, it’s a struggle, but that challenge is also a big part of what makes the game fun and interesting.
Also, I don’t think it’s weird to get to level 30 without any legendary items. I never had any legendaries until they launched the Battlepass system, and probably didn’t acquire any non-BP legendaries until at least a year after the first Founders season.
Play what you like, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I still think Little Boys are one of the most enjoyable cannons to play, and will always have a couple in my storage.

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I love applesauce.

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It’s ok. I have an 8k build that does well. But I really liked playing parsers end game and in cw. It’s not going to get anyone anywhere in cw now, or in high ps matches. My triple 9k parser build probably still wrecks house too, but I sold my third because I just never play them since it lost its range(my fav part of the gun).

I started the slaughter event with my 6k build self nerfed to fit the 6k limit, it just wasn’t adequate for the job.
I was playing with the concept of making a rocket build at that time, didn’t work with goblins, very thin ( later on i converted it into a drone build, i have two versions and both can “eat” cannon shots)
i had to make one from scratch, i made a few gremlins and coupled a couple of goblins (because the gremlins had a mount problem and PS limit)
because i picked those type of weapons i had to switch cabins to something thinner to minimize the impact of the cabin when mounting the guns, i didn’t want a long build.
with the Growl cue extreme weight limits, next thing in the list was finding wheels to fit the PS bracket and something tankier than racing wheels, with hermits out of the race i used APC wheels, 4 of them.
But it wasn’t there yet, it was easily wedgeable, even by non-wedge builds, so i had to improvise a small frontal aileron or a mini wedge it’s main function was to work like a break and prevent being wedged and it worked very well.
I spent until that event last moments trying to optimize guns layout, i took advantage of SGs spread to spread them a little more and cover a wider area.
It was compact too, and it was tank(ish) and it was revolutionary, what came out of it was just my latest gen of Anti cannons builds, and good against Melees and dogs (fire or sparkly) .
But ofc, at that time i didn’t know that and i wasn’t worried about cannons, i just had a blast during the battles and during that all process.
I never saw so much originality before or after that event, my build wasn’t the best but it was pretty damn good demolishing stuff.

I will return to my initial design and i will make it with a Master cab, an hibrid between.


and this


Personally, i never had so much fun as i had during (in no paticular order) :slight_smile:

Guiding Star BP which i bought
Gozu operation
Slaughter Brawl

Crossout never been that exciting since, i miss them

I’m making Parsers excel in top 20 Diamond CWs, and my PvP triple parser at 13k wins more MVPs than it doesn’t (50+% easily). 854 burst damage out of cloak is absolutely devastating in pub matches.

Word. I can drink it by the pint, so I don’t even start. It’s the crack of vitamin C. It probably has grasshoppers in it, and that’s why it’s so satisfying (extra protein). It helps me not to drink it all if I think about that…mostly.

I don’t bother with spoons. Spoons are for newbs. I do it geriatric style, right out of the jar, nice and cold. I’d be apple-sauced right now if I had any. It’s a good thing I don’t.

It probably is. I have to agree. That is very frustrating.

The way I look at it; if it helps the over-all game play by having that stuff (my stuff) nerfed (like the Nest) then whatever. As long as the game is fun to play and there isn’t any META walking all over my murder-dolls, I’m good. It is frustrating, though. They cancelled my Master and the Parsers pretty good. I’m having some luck with parsers on legs, but the range seems too short. It’s harder.

I have other builds and play-styles though, and some of those work better now. I presume that’s due to patches and updates, nerfing and buffing stuff, right?

In fact, I’m having more fun with more different play-styles than I have in a long time…even course rockets, big, slow, fixed cannons, and turret cannons on quick builds. Machine guns are finally fun again. It seems like it’s been a long time. I’ve got a shotgun build, a joust-rod, some ridiculous sci-fi thing that goes pew-pew, tracks, wheels, and legs, and all of it is scrapping…the parsers aren’t so great and neither are my Fuzes. Everything is win-some loose some in PVP, but I think overall the game is running pretty well. I’ve seen it a lot worse. I’m content with it the way it is.

The OP says “Adapt or Die,” I suggest rotating your builds (different play-styles) if you are continually getting the short end of the stick in PVP. I think it sucks to have just one strong build and then they gank it with the nerf-hammer. That hurts. Don’t spend money you can’t loose? Ultimately, I still think the Battle Pass is worth it. There’s a lot of stuff I like in them usually. Stabilizers aren’t one of them, and neither are the work-pieces, frankly.

It’s only $9.99. You can make a lot more than a turd with it. That’s my pitch.

If you’re frustrated with Clan Wars, well…IDK. You should talk to the Monkey. You might not like what it says, but it’s not often wrong.

Me too. I try not to think about it. I rationalize it by telling myself I didn’t have the storage space (it’s kinda true…see, it still works). I promised myself never to do it again, but IDK. These cabs always have twice the power-score I want to mess with. I don’t know what to do with the Kami. It looks nice, but anywhere it goes, it will have to be buried in armor, so it doesn’t matter what it looks like, does it?

The rest of my stuff is keeping me pretty amused, so I haven’t even tried to build anything with it yet. I should probably go do that it. It doesn’t cost me extra if I blow it up a few times, does it? I’ve got nothing to loose.

I’m not sure I even bother to try and adapt anymore. I just move to the next build. Some work. Some don’t. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t. I don’t do Clan Wars, but I think I understand how people might devote more resources to particular builds, and then they get nerfed right when they find something that works. I think that’s harsh. It is a problem, or it has been in the past. I hope they are getting a better grip on what “balance” means to this game, because I think your “struggle” is actually reflective of their “struggle” at game development…or I can look at it like they are doing it on purpose and just trying to rip me off, because they are scoundrels. I think they do too much cool stuff to be scoundrels.

I think they are mostly just clumsy, and it makes me mad too. Often. It will probably happen again too, but whatever. The game today, seems way better than the game I started…well maybe not “way” better. It’s kinda the same roller-coaster, but I’m getting along with it currently.

Anyway, rotate your builds…or adapt or die.