Adventure Mode Needs a Rework!

“Game Suggestions”

other than that I don’t see the way for us to affect the game development.

:crazy_face: :crazy_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :laughing: :laughing: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Can you please stay on topic instead of following me around the forum like a love sick girl?

Also, the last time I looked my main build cost over 900,000 coins and I’m not ashamed of being called an elitist.

Thank you sir.

Nice, maybe the robots will appreciate it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :vulcan_salute:

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Can you please stop spam reporting stuff because I posted it, and don’t flatter yourself I don’t follow you around, I get notification on new posts and new reply to posts and I check them out, least I’m not on this forum 24/7 365 like you seemingly are dishon dischar AFU

See this I can respect, you owning your elitisism it’s only when you deny it that I feel I need to call it out, own that :poop: :monkey: so we all can look at you from afar!

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I’m dead lmao, he’s 100% right on the reason why people didn’t bother with weekly. Because raids are BORING AF xD

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Of course, raids are when was the last time they implemented new ones? least been a few years, all that time they spend thinking up lamebrain ways to stick it to the player base they could spend on thinking up and implementing new raids or even bringing back olds ones but updated and rotating them in and out!

All I know is, I was done with them even before they made Frontier Defence (the paaaaaiiiin…) the only one that gives you actual rewards. >.>

Worst PvE content ever, at least implement a table of modifiers to pick from so I’m not doing the same thing 5 times in a row >.>

Raids are brutally boring. Have not really played them in years.

They used to have a system where we got a purple crate if we finished tasks. It had some raids in it, but the reward was worth doing it.

So during that time I did play some raids.
As soon as they stopped that system, for the most part, I stopped playing raids.

The abandoned Adventure Mode could have been made into pve modes maybe even used for special type of raids with special rewards, but nope it’s just there, last time I remember them touching that mode was when they added the find the cameras thing

wasnt the last time when they introduced steel cradle then nerfing it hard afterwards?

I REMEMBER THAT!!! man i miss those days :sob:

i suggested an arena mode to long ago. being able to bring people in with you to fight waves of enemies and getting to as high of a wave as you possibly can with your team. i even suggested rankings for them as well where certain ranks have a certain number of waves, even getting to infinite waves where you can see how high you can get and you get rewards at the end of the week depending on what wave you get to.

900.000 coins? Wtf you must have sick prices on your xbox :rofl:

Yeah man :slight_smile: Everyone freaked out when they took that away too, but they never added it back.

I would ask for the crate system back, it was the only thing that ever made me want to do raids.

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Dude you’re so fake, now you’re saying this but a few days ago your meaning was different

You didnt even respond to my post which explained what was going on bc it follow your narration that is update good.

My meaning is the exact same in both posts.

Many people loved the crate system and freaked out when we got badges.

Different words same meaning.

Because everyone loved the crates - Badges ruined that.

My meaning is the exact same in both posts
You’re welcome

That’s what I put… your welcome.

i liked the crate system, but what if they implement the same thing through clans / bands?
instead of taking out badges and weeklies and making them completely band / clan focused they can mix it up. they can have a season for easy, medium and hard like they did before. but your entire clan can take part and help earn the rewards from each difficulty. should they do so they can get a purple crate on hard and some extra rewards like electronics, wires, etc?
so basically it would be…
weeklies available to all people, solo players and people in band / clans.
a new system where it has seasons / weekly challenges for band / clans only. in this it would have 3 rankings of difficulties. easy, medium and hard each with their own rewards. if a clan completes them all they will get a purple crate. for completing each difficulty 100% they get various rewards like wires, electronics, etc.

i mean… idk it seems a bit odd to me now that i type it but… maybe itll work?


I like it, But the Devs have removed both of those options unfortunately. And we have no context of anything being Implemented in its place OTHER then the Clan Challenges that I’m aware of.