All the weeklies are gone?

I’m 51 years old.

I did my service and I’m no longer in the military.

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51 its not that old I think their max recruitment limit is 65 so you still have a chance :slight_smile:
Other thing is that how you have other ppl backs if you dont even talk to them, if I have a leader like you I"ll leave you a long time ago


They discontinued the Ape division cause too much :poop: got flung around so that’s why he’s here


What division did you fight for?

:crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


that was an DEVASTATING updade for me.i loved it to play chilled with my builds in pve,no demanding guild,clan in my back,build,test,make my daylies,even all weeklys,include raids,i like them…
and now all its gone.i joined a good clan,active,but now,hey,ts man,this,that…no more chilled gamin…but that was what i loved in crossout,why i spend about 400euros in the game,because i loved it,it was my big lego chest for adults…
but what can i do without any progression in the game,any goals by playin solo?spent more money,to get parts i still want???I deciede if i want to do that,and under this cirumstances,i stop that INSTANT until this update gets a rollback…

i will leave this clan.its not what i want from this game.its no more lazy gaming,its work.
and i hope devs think about this.
i cannot understand that decision;
it was a good idea,givin clans extraweeklys,fully okay and good…

but a punch in the face for solo pve players,take all the weeklys from them and all progression…
it was absolutely no reason for that here and it will be a bad,bad idea that comes with huge losses…

please change it targem.i DID all the weeklys,even the raidones,ALL.and i had my fun.


lol,i bought last minipass for this update,to support the game.not knowing was on the way with next update,destroys my playfun…i regret this.


I did the exact same thing for that exact same reason and feel…pretty much the same. I had a blast playing for about two weeks straight, and I thought, you know what, I’m going to show them my gratitude with some cash, buy these passes (for my p2p account. This here is a f2p account) and join the Crossout movement. I was cruising too, and then… well, you know.

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Same here I don’t want to be in a clan.


Me neither.

But, somebody asked me to distill what I thought the issues were that people were upset with here, and it came down to three things:

  • Bad Menu, difficult to navigate, and full of BS (bugs, bad terminology, etc).

  • Underwhelming rewards for overwhelming grinds.

  • BS gated access to Confrontation mode that makes it difficult to contend with.

That’s one down and two to go.


Yeah, the old terminology was just fine now instead of craft we got acquire …

Yup, but some people tell me it’s so the in-game market don’t crash and devalue all there junk

The elistist love the gate, makes them feel special for all the times they open their whale wallets and flung dollar bills at the devs

I think what they meant was that you need to be extra cautious about fiddling with an economy.

There is a saying in the shop: “Anybody can make a mistake, but it takes management to really fuck things up.”

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I get that but they told me that when I said upping the grind and lowering the badges you get was a scummy move on the dev part, so me saying an untradable resource should be given out in bigger quantities would crash a market it’s not even sold on, that’s what I get from them



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Again, your the only one saying this.

The question came up about “why are these non-tradable”

Then the correct answer was given that if they give out non-tradable items in mass then it will make the economy go down. Which is true.

Your the only one making this stuff up.

Link the posts were anyone other then you said that non-tradable items would tank the market? I wish you would stop spreading false rumors.

Obviously the vast majority of comments are against the changes, except the one guy who lets his clan get his badges for him. I was extremely dismayed to see these changes and its really demotivating as I used all the weekly challenges to reduce the pain of the grind while crafting. I am a solo player that plays for fun and relaxation so CW doesn’t really appeal to me, I have tried it but not really my cup of tea, its just a bit too serious.

Seems to me like the devs would prefer us all to play CW and like others have said maybe its to boost the market (im far from an expert)? Or to have players that don’t craft or play that much and just buy stuff with cash?
Whatever the reason behind the changes is we can only speculate, but it stinks of greed rather than bad judgement.

Surely this isn’t going to be good for retaining new players as they wont be able to do much in CW and will get sick of not being able to make much progress (which was already hard enough before imo)? Then lots of players that have been here a while will probably start to lose interest as they have seen in which direction the game is being pushed and just give it the boot.

Really sad to see a cool game like this going down hill so badly.


Listen you, just because I won’t let you harass me via private message doesn’t mean you need to comment on my stuff when I don’t directly talk about you with spamming the same stuff, you clearly stalk my posts like an ex stalking their lost lover. So you’d darn well know I’m not the only one saying this. MP’s probably loved you when you served :rofl:

You just literally said what I claim people were saying^^^^ did a 60mm Mortar go off next to your head or something?

I wish you would stop flagging, harassing and being all round barracks lawyer


The thing is about people like that guy who admits he’s an elitist, and narcissist is if it ain’t high-tier clan war stuff it doesn’t matter to him, plus lately he’s be bootlicker the mods/devs/admins on the forums to get special treatment like flagging a post and having it removed within 20 minutes and to insulate himself so he can be a forum tyrant

I personally do think by trying to force use into a :ox: :poop: mode with lots of :clown_face: in it they hope we’ll get tired of being smacked around and spend money or more money on the game to get competitive or and spend more time on this game, in fact in my case all these recent updates just made me stop spending any money on this game and by getting rid of weeklies and pushing this band/clan :ox: :poop: I’ve cut my time playing this game by least 50%

Like I have in the past and have recently
I never used to get annoyed at the devs but when their greed became so overpowering and the lack of maintenance for this game got annoying enough I became a critic of their actions


also all the playerbase is gone? lul