Alternative ram damage mechanics and changes to energy consumption and energy supply of parts

Yup, medium cabins seem to get the short end of the stick (because now they can have slightly less than light and slightly more than heavy). But let’s not forget that the main goal of the change is to allow for more balancing opportunities. If medium cabins become too bad with the change, they will probably be buffed somewhere else. Same for the weapon and module changes, if they are too good or too bad, the test server will allow better tuning. The numbers are not finals and I am sure many values will be changed when the test is finished.

I feel like medium cabins are currently the strongest, so a slight energy nerf doesn’t seem that crazy.

I agree that those three modules may have too high of an energy cost.
Although with the new engine and cloak coming, as well as the cryo weapons, it could be argued that melee might get too strong soon, so making daze and tormentor a bit more energy expensive might not be the worst thing.
And I am noticing that plasma emitter builds seem pretty strong lately, so there could be an argument for making the power unit a bit more energy expensive.

Looks good, excited for the changes.

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Big vehicles should be too heavy for gerridas and hovers to lift. Tracks and wheels are always used on heavier vehicles. Gerridas and hovers should be reserved for the small, fast vehicles (and this would remove triple cyclone spiders).

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You do know they’re just increasing the power consumption by 0.5 (current mechanics), right?

Many of us don’t even have an Odin yet. I don’t like it when loadouts I’m planning get nerfed before I’ve had a chance to abuse them.

Another Apollo buff works for me. I have Thor trust issues and hope to de fuse mine soon and turn it into an Odin.

I agree. There could be lots of situations where a half point of energy is left over and there is suddenly room for a Maxwell on a build. Or, you could use a Chameleon Mark 1 and a Maxwell instead of a Chameleon MK2.

Or, on my Helicon hover, I have a purple cloak and no room for a radar. The main way to lose with this build is getting jumped by a fire dog. I could swap to a Chameleon MK1 and an Oculus, and have a much better build, as this sort of build doesn’t require a long cloak anyway.

Also, as an Apollo user, the extra half point of energy will be very handy for carrying teal radars.

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Having some fused rare rads and coolers suddenly seems like it wasn’t a dumb idea after all.


Right, we haven’t even got into the fact that 2 Tamyrs (60 percent cooling) are better at cooling than 1 Shiver, (120 percent cooling only at 0KPH with full perk).

Or, that some guns, like Hammerfalls, shoot better with a mix of radiators and coolers, rather than 1 or the other. Having half point of energy rare coolers gives you a lot of options. I could see this coming into play on 9K Clan Confrontation. In Clan Confrontation, the size and low durability of a rare cooler or radiator is less of an issue as you don’t face as many opponents with explosive or penetrating weaponry as you do in high power scores.

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Those are ones that are over the amount. Add +1 energy usage to it after the double… They are doing that as they are suggesting they are stronger modules. Power units already had loadouts sacrificing gear just to run them in a number of cases. Daze only works with CQC@35m and was already the cost of an excessive rad/cooler rig.

Two of them got a buff a while back (special, legendary). Prior to the buff you had to play the epic ones to be near dmg spec advantage for them in the totality of the line. They brought both the under performers up rather then lowering the other. Outside of that not much has changed theirs the same buff cabs, and claw, one newer co-driver that is kind of a partial buff.

I agree with poony that using a mix of lower tier gear to get more options is feasible. I need a radiator for my MGs, but i would do just fine with a rare radiator and have the added ability to carry radar or add a cloak. These changes seem good across the board as i see it.


You still have a few options for a quad parser build, even with just an Apollo. With Odin, you’ve got more options.

Unless my math is worse than I think,

It is. :laughing:

25 + 10 = 35 ÷ 9

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lol, I misread and thought parsers were going to be 8 energy.

idk how to feel about this, i mean porcs being 7 energy instead of 6 is going to be a bit… idk… unfair?
they said they were doubling the energy cost but some weapons and modules are more then just doubled. 3 to 7 isnt doubled, its more then double and i dont know if i agree with that.

i am curious how they will distribute the extra energy though. is it a good idea or a bad one? idk.
i mean whatll they do for leviathans then? will their energies be doubled as well? imagine a 60 energy levi being 120 energy.

but this also begs the question, will the weight limit of the car your building also be increased to? with all these changes to bumpers, weight distribution and the recent changes to expanded ammo packs, bigfoots and some parts weighing more… ill have to go back and edit literally every build i have just so they arent over weight.

idk im seeing a few issues with this but… hopefully they are fixable.

I think they’re trying to balance low PS porc hovers, by making them either require a better (higher PS) generator, Or by having to remove a porc.

They’re doubling the energy because they want some lower efficiency modules to have a reason to be chosen (less energy requirement) and it allows for more fine-tuning of a weapon.

And yes, I’m fairly certain they’ll double leviathan energy, why wouldn’t they?

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The concept of what they are doing is great; hopefully implementation will also be successful.

The changes will lead to much more variety on builds, to include special parts being used in CW. The level of specialization will really ramp up. It should make balancing easier to accomplish, adding energy consumption to the other adjustable crtierion.

I am not sure how i feel about the cabins. I am scared they make an additional relic ginny. The cabins arent a huge deal but another relic ginny would be very disappointing. All in all though, happy to see the energy changes be implemented.

Regarding ram changes, time will tell. I dont think anyone really knows how much that will impact the game.

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When they described the cylinder shape with the ram damage, all i could picture is a medieval battering ram. A giant log on a swingset. BAM!

Quasi-kidding aside, it sounds like a super heavy melee could knock a considerable hole in a build if they meet head-on at high speed. From the way they describe it, it would look like a huge cannon shell scooped out a very large semicircle around the point of impact. Like passive melee might be a huge consideration during battle. Im thinking a maxed out yukozuna hitting you at 110 kph with nothing but knives sticking out the front of the cabin and destroying 1/3 of a fully intact hover build. I hope thats the level of destruction they have in mind anyways.