Alternative ram damage mechanics and changes to energy consumption and energy supply of parts

I want my 24 ton Cobra tank to deal more than 30 ram damage. (Has the freight train plow)

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It actually has me worried a little that they reduced the Tusk bonus by 100%


  • bonus to ram damage reduced from 200 to 100%.
  • changed the collision of the front part of the cabin for more stable realization of the ram.
  • bonus from one charge of the perk reduced from 60 to 40%.
  • the distance for one perk charge reduced from 100 to 80 m.

A good Tusk build could do 9999+ damage
Reduced it by half, what’s left? Still more than enough to one-touch kill any build with right touch to cab.
I would be more worried about this:

That was kind of an inclusion.

I meant that they have to even go about cutting the dmg type, dmg amount on the cab in half…

I had the same vision, except the Yoko had 2 King of Birds rams in the front and one shotted a hover.


When Yokozuna first came out, I did a bunch of ramming damage testing with the impact meter. Even with just a plow on the front, it can do way more damage than you would think if you max out the mass and get some speed.

But the problem is that in game it’s not predictable in any way, which is what I think they are trying to fix.

Personally, I’m happiest about them trying to address those weird situations where ramming damage penetrates behind bumpers, but leaves the bumper intact.

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King of Birds you say…

I approve!

I just want my 25k mass with a freight train plow bumper to not get stopped up on a couple barrier drones when I’m moving 85kph. :sweat_smile:


Or being hit by a 6 ton car on Omnis, and go from 70kph to 70kph in the opposite direction.

I think all these changes are stupid asf except for the ram damage changes. Why can they not just leave the game be and nerf the OP shit that causes people to stop playing?
Porcs at low PS? Make them 4 energy.
Shotgun spam? Buff their range, nerf their damage, and give wheels full reverse speed players can learn reverse driving and escape. New players are so fucked coming into this game when they are stuck playing wheels the entire time before they get epic movement parts, against established players using ranged omnidirectional or wheeled dogs.
Melee spam? Reverse speed on wheels and require melee players to slow down a little bit before making contact so they don’t destroy their own vehicle by ramming recklessly. Spacebar handbrake on every movement part.
Hovers? They still need a tweak because the small ones, especially if acceleration fused, are still too jittery and players cannot aim at them. Its not a skill issue, the average human reaction time is 273ms and hovers have a 0ms throttle delay. Everything else sits at 250ms+. Throw in gun turn speed and ballistics and the only strat is to catch em sleeping or learn their movement patterns over many battles.
Cloak spam? Make engine sounds more relevant. Make cloak shimmer further away and more low key.

If the average human reaction is 273ms…damn. you got numbers on the average pro gamers reaction time?

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Shroud has 180ms.

All i know it so hard to find matches now on Xbox, Like 5 minute wait or longer depending on powerscore. Just worried it will run even more players off.

All these changes. Crossplay need to hurry

yep like 2499 doesnt exist lol

Im out of my depth here, but that still seems slow to me.

Is there a way to test? Some common universally recognized way to test?

Keep your finger on the mouse button. I hit 190.

I think there is an error, the Appolo (9) energy generator becomes better than the Thors (8) energy generator. I think Thors should have 9 energy too to make him equal to Appolo. the difference between appolo and Thors must remain the difference in weight and resistance. I find this change inconsistent. hoping that a correction will be made before the update. Thank you for reading me

There is no error, the Thor is lighter and smaller, therefore, no reason for the apollo to be used if you have the Thor. They said they wanted to make the apollo more used, and the extra energy gives an incentive.


I actually think it balances out well against the light cabs and heavy cab energy differences which use to often also get complained about.


It also makes all the generators have more of a niche. In general, this change could make lower tier items much more useful for making efficient builds.

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