Alternative ram damage mechanics and changes to energy consumption and energy supply of parts

There’s some gaps in the amounts the generators produce too across the weight/rarity classes that could be filled later too if they wanted to give some more overlapping options.

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That’s the essentially the same problem with tracks. They are so effing heavy, and hardly cover any of your build, that you apply as much armor as you could if you used lighter movement parts.

I think that a big problem of tracks is sadly the limitations of the game engine. Friction and weight don’t really exist in the game, it is instead approximated by looking at points of contact with the ground and using arbitrary values for weight. On top of that, both the ground and the vehicles are entirely stiff so the tracks will not deform to contact the ground and the ground will not deform under weight like in reality. The result is that tracks act in a really strange way where they can just disconnect from the ground on a small slope leading to shenanigans like having the vehicle spin uncontrolably, lose all weight, or other stange things for a fraction of a second. This makes them very unpleasant to use.


This is true you have to actually program in down force and gravity of a character if you want it to exist in a game.

I can only give you some kudos on thinking this out like that.

I can’t wait for these changes to eventually go through, much needed balancing


Same. And I hope that a few more pieces will receive some fine tuning. For example, I saw that they are trying tackler at 5 energy and I hope that they will try the same for vindicators. Those weapons are a bit on the weak size (as seen by their awful value on the market and total absence of play) and costing only 5 energy would probably push them back to a competitive state. Plus I like the idea of hiding many small but weak weapons on different parts of a huge build and their size and shape make them perfect for that.

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