[ Announcement ] Livestream with the developers. A closer look at the new season in Crossout

Livestream with the developers. A closer look at the new season in Crossout


The new season titled “The New Frontier” is coming to the game very soon. It’s time to check out the new brutal weapons and equipment of the Founders as well as other novelties of the upcoming major update.

Join us on March 18th at 14:00 UTC on the Crossout Twitch channel and on the Crossout YouTube channel.

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Wow the new crossbow is bigger than what I though… I am all for it.

I couldn’t find the livestream on youtube. :confused:

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IT hasn’t gone live yet. youtube doesn’t generally have it up till an hour before. then you are waiting for the stream.

Big crossbow…

Though she’s flat as a washboard

Well, I now saw the stream and
-shotguns looked as much of a wet fart as expected
-ballista seemed surprisingly underwhelming
-cannon looked awesome
-wheels did not really spark any, anything

The cannon does seem nicely thought out, as in you can keep firing three-shots even with max charge and you’re not forced to instantly go to mandrake mode, which is done by holding down the firing button. Surprised it’s one of those 2 per build guns rather than 1 big, but that’s interesting.

Not really wow’d in any shape or form by the new parts if I’m honest

Yeah other then the cannon, the module, and the deco at the end of the pass this Battlepass seems to be a wet fart.

That said, we still don’t know how the ballista will work with other modules, and their aim with testing it showed it can over pen. so we don’t know its true max damage.

The cannon though, I am upset it is a 12 energy we really need a 20 energy one, and it would have fit that perfectly. granted they would need to up its damage and health for that.

LoL I don’t mean to be snooty but… I got up to the 8th minute and had to stop…could never have watched the whole thing. The two dudes with the hard hats…“Yannis” the PVE mission bot woulda made a better spokesman. Anyway, I’ll let you guys review the thing and take it under advisement. :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:

I love the crossbow concept but I fear that it will overpenetrate way too often…
At 14:18 and 14:47 in the video they manage to do 550 damages with a 700 damage weapon that increases damages against structures and it’s not like they did a lot of shots. Yes the high value were 1000 but if you want to shred structures, cannons and grenade launcher will do better.
It may be good to destroy generators through half the build but I’ll have to test it. The fact that it has 90% penetration and not 100 mean it may lose too much damages without the correct fuse.

The cabin looks fun, although I don’t play a lot of heavy builds.

Crossbow also looks good.

Spread reduction module may have a much bigger impact on the game than many of the BP items. Very curious how it will play out.

I’m vaguely interested in the shotgun. Looks cool, and may perform better than the other reload SGs.

Not that excited about the other items, but there’s enough here to justify buying the pass.

I was semi-interested in the accuracy module, but then I noticed that it had a text where it said something like “does not affect projectiles with plunging trajectory” and all the ideas I had of this module were of using it not with machine guns, miniguns or shotguns, but with all kinds or random weaponry like cannons, crossbows, avalanche idk such stuff

I was hoping that only meant the artillery weapons like mandrake, Jotun, Heather

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Well, it at least works on a retcher based off of the exhibition and oh boy they’re gonna have a bit of a problem in their hands possibly, again

Plunging projectiles are only artillery as far as the game is concerned. it would work on crossbows, and cannons, but not incenerators, avalanches, and heathers.

It oddly enough might work on swarms.

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