* (ANNOUNCEMENT) New Crossout website!

New Crossout website!


We have big news to share with you! The game’s new official website is already online! The new site has been developed to make getting new information about the game, updates and events easier, more convenient and pleasurable experience for the players.

Attention! The old website will now be working in an archive mode. You will be able to (access it via this) link. You can browse old news articles and all the contents of the old site at this archive.

The new site has updated design with more comfortable, contemporary and user-friendly interface. It is now easier to look up anything you may need, and the new website is better optimized for a variety of devices. It looks equally good both on a smaller smartphone screen and on a computer monitor.

The “News” section of the site has undergone a major rework. You can now access the articles and announcements in the most up to date and palatable format.

There are also sections of the old website that are available at the new platform: “Game”, “Media”, “Forum” and “Partnership”.

The new website is still getting updates and content. If you can’t find some specific piece of information that has been previously available at the old site, do not worry — it will be added in one of the upcoming updates.

Good luck on the battlefield!

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I’m confused. I clicked on the link, signed in, and it brings me…back here. So does this mean this is the now-official forum site for all global regions? I’m ok with that, just wondering.

ya if u click on forum it brings u back here,which means they keeping this open,maybe. or did u mean the link in the post. which should bring you here.

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Yeah the link brought me to crossout.net, and then I clicked “Forum” and came back here.

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I kind of like the new one more but haven’t had time to look around much. I wish I had more time though as I really miss playing.

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The oldest accessible news post is from 2024.08.01. I need all the previous news post accessible too, as far back as Closed Beta. They’re part of Crossout’s history and official lore. I want to be able to check when a faction or an item was released, the histories of nerfs and buffs of items, when certain events last took place, or some season pictures.

It’s very bad that all that can’t be accessed now. I hope these Russians could break with the tradition of rewriting history and properly celebrate their own creation, to show how proud they are of it. :upside_down_face:

So the new forum is the old forum but added interface for other menu options if you use that avenue to connect. Progress.

Is that info in the Crossout wiki section?

I am from Russia. When I click on the “forum” button, I get to dead ru forum. lol

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If something is posted in the news, I take it’s official info from the developers. Hence part of the lore, for example.