Announcement: Planned Balance Changes

The snowfall (the weapon the cabin appears alongside in the pack) has a fair amount of rotation angles, and fixed angle cannons have a lot more traverse than you might think.

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Yet usually anyone playing these guns uses omnidirectional movement parts, and with camera steering your whole build is already turning before you can even notice any specific turning of the guns itself, and at last on the cannons I mostly aim with my build than the cannons themselves, maybe 1mm-2mm adjustments on where the shot might land but that little of movement already happens instantaneously, and any more than that they donā€™t really move in any direction, and eve if they did camera steering has already kicked in and my whole build has adjusted itself rather than just using the movements of the gun itself

Honestly any time I play any limited angle guns I donā€™t feel like the speed of movement of the guns themselves is ever an issue, rather than the limited angels themselves, and once again rather than relying at all into the movement of the guns themselves, I just move my whole build instead. it just feels like an added extra of nothing just to appear as if something huge is being done to the part


I donā€™t think you can say ā€œcannons have no traverseā€ then say you use a build where you mention you never see any traverseā€¦

The limited angle cannons have it itā€™s almost as wide a sweep as the garage door angle wise. Itā€™s noticeably slow.


I am not saying ā€œcannons have no traverseā€, I am saying ā€œThe traverse is so minimal that even if you boost the speed of it, it will be mostly unnoticeable and wonā€™t make the cabin suddenly super popular because of the speed increase aloneā€

Maybe they donā€™t want to buff the cabin so much that it is suddenly super popular?

Anyway, even with fixed angle weapons on strafing parts, the guns generally do move before the build rotates, so a buff to rotation will still allow people to target somewhat quicker.

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The traverse angle at range effect is probably larger then you expect it to be. They are probably doing some of this for tracked builds though too. Theyā€™re the ones that will notice the change the most.


the changes they made to Bfs, worries me, better to go to my garage to see if i still have working builds, or if i have to rebuild all from scratchā€¦ againā€¦


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I have no functional heavies in my rotation, and really never have. Iā€™m hoping this update will change that. Itā€™s my annual Crossout project for 2024 after all; something tankā€¦now, if that stupid blue panda would just FO, that would be great.

Crossout has an incredibly diverse inventory of features, all with the ability to multiply that diversity though our own personal visions and creativity exponentially. All it really needs are balance updates, improved functionality of the menus, and of course, more dmn maps.

Iā€™m glad to see an update that looks to address some very relevant issues (like tracks, ML-200, etc) and not be introducing another game breaking feature, like Confrontation mode, or camera steering, and instead is focused on fine tuning. Itā€™s what this game really needsā€¦and more mapsā€¦and one dead blue panda.

Iā€™m crossing my fingers, but not holding my breath.

My former favorite cab is getting a huge buff, i got nothing to complain about besides that the catalina nerf should be 300% more.

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Youā€™re saying they have almost none because you want to play them at close range, no?

Like Hamster said, they have a huge impact at range, which is what cannons were made for, after all.

This one I was hoping they would do a build in a jr version of the tormentor on. It would still help melee including itā€™s own built in then. If you werenā€™t using extra melee though youā€™d still get something out of it which with their plan you would get none.

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Iā€™m not worry with my heavies, they will have tracks or legs, BFs are not suitable for them.

Iā€™m worried with this one. ( most likely i wonā€™t be able to save it in a blink )

I probably gonna be able to save this.

The thing is iā€™m not against all that you said, but when it happens it tends to break my builds.
Diversity, creativity, exponentially yeah, rightā€¦ what about make wheels without a perk , that way i wouldnā€™t be tight up to Bfsā€¦ i donā€™t think they are that great anyways.
what you see itā€™s an evolution of 5k builds, do you know what were the wheels on those?
studded wheels, low profile as possible.
If not for the perk i wouldnā€™t be using BFs. But now i have to find 240 kg for the first and the second will be much easier ( at first sight).
Back a few years ago you would see heavy builds with a ton of Bfs with no problems of survivability.
I enjoy my builds and now i wonā€™t see them anymore unless i manage to do a miracle

well looks like the blight is going into the scrap pile now and fire builds are becoming even more broken! thanks devs!

especially with the change to bigfoots FOR CHRIST SAKE stop with this crap!
its bad enough i got over half my builds to ā€œfixā€ for this stupid ā€œbalanceā€ update.

your sober and playing crossout? what did you switch to caffeine? (joking lol)

heres the thing, they are making the blight terrible because of flamethrower builds. lowering the damage bonus to 20% but BUFFING FLAMETHROWERS to maintain their damage is absolutely ridiculous and stupid! the incinerator suffers heavily from this. flamethrowers are broken enough as is for christ sake, quit making them even more powerful!

the solution is right the f*** in front of you!
make it so the incinerators and any fire weapons under epics gain a full boost from it (40%) any weapons over epics, legendaries and relics, gain a smaller boost from it. legendaries 30% and relics 20% respectively. why is this so hard to understand?

They already said itā€™s going to do the same amount of dmg with the changes. I donā€™t know if itā€™s a good change though as they are making a problem mechanic more powerful across other builds. i.e. Heatingā€¦

they are nerfing incinerators while buffing flamethrowers though. its not a good change. the only thing this effects are flamethrowers, thats it. it doesnt matter if they do the same damage or not, this is still a direct nerf to incinerators, mandrake fire and porc fire. anything that isnt a flamethrower suffers.

The flame throwers are getting the buff the cab is getting the nerf. Your getting it backwards here.

Incins do plenty of damage though already without the blight cab already though too.

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I win with this one, but I was already pretty brutal with the Cerberus, even in heals and lipstick, and to me that perk sounds like it could cause mayhem. Iā€™m down with the sickness though, so whatever. Iā€™ll take it.

I like your idea, but would have been satisfied with them just making the built in melee it has properly functional. Itā€™s almost just a decoration as it is, and the reason I still like the Cererus for melee is for its other stats. Itā€™s fast, agile, and wears armor aptly and conveniently, without a struggle.

if you can hit something and keep it in the fire puddle, yes. they reduced the size of the fire puddle as is, they no longer hit that well, you need a direct hit to do any kind of damage now. even with the perk of increased fire puddle radius it doesnt help.

i know this. they are buffing flamethrowers for no reason. flamethrowers are already broken enough as is.

Cerbs in my main 3 rotations for daily, I think it would be hard to make it preform at level without over powering the cab. My thought on it, is tormentor jr would be less restrictive and just better for variability of builds. Outside of harvester most of the melee weapons are saws though, currently it might not be a big issue but it could be later if they change that trend. Itā€™s by far one of my favorite cabs even if a lot of other people hate it for jumping up on builds.

This might be a glitch and we donā€™t know whatā€™s going on yet officially. Iā€™ve heard a bunch of people saying itā€™s Atitlanā€™s perk causing the issues too. I know I had zero issue getting mvps with incin last night using that co-driver though.