Announcement: Planned Balance Changes

ive mentioned this before though in a previous post. the incinerator puddles look alot smaller then usual. i even looked at how big they are with the blight and even the 40% size increase didnt even look that much bigger. idk it could be a glitch or a bug that they havent looked into yet.

really? how? instead of increasing the fire puddle size it shrinks it?

also… do porcs heat parts anymore? when using mine it didnt heat any parts. im wondering if thats a bug to…

I enjoy it more than I thought I would. Just got done chasing a booster pig around for several matches in fact (I got boosters too). I Finally caught him good, but when I looked around the rest of my team were dead with zero kills…meh. I let him live. I found him to be amusing sport.

Anyway, I solved the crawling issue with my build, through the build. That helped make it considerably more enjoyable.

I noticed the price on that cab is climbing pretty good right now on PC. They seemed to have already solved its popularity issue successfully. It’s going to be rough…and it’s a good thing they are buffing tracks. Kids will need them for what’s coming probably.


Supposedly it’s decreasing damage rather then increasing dmg when the perk is active. I just built a rig last night might try to see if I can confirm it. The chats didn’t seem like they were saying puddle size though it seem more like they were talking about dmg in general… People are often bad at describing stuff though. I didn’t have much issue scoring high with them though last night though using that co-driver I never got the perk to activate though.

The cerebus change is going to make my cerebus build potentially OP. It’s going to be fun!
Already running a tormentor and four lacerators, plus Phobos. Add the new perk and I should be slicing right through hovers.

Which brings me to the blight and flamethrower changes. I think what they are trying to do with both the cerebus and flamethrower changes is to indirectly buff wheels vs hovers/gerridas/omniwheels.

By making flamethrowers less dependent on blight, it opens up that playstyle to people who don’t want to drop the coin on blight, as well as people who want to run other cabs (Griffon, aggressor, etc). Want to cut down on horseshoe DPS builds? Make flamethrowers and melee more attractive to more players.

As far as incinerators go, I currently only use mine for Invasion, and I don’t feel like the last blight nerf hurt me too much. The Acari change might be a bigger problem for that build, but hard to say for sure. It’s possible that incinerators might need a buff after this second blight nerf, but I don’t feel like that are as dependent on blight as flamethrowers are.

I think it will still turn things into swiss cheese, the bigger issue is going to be the target will still be mobile with offensive/defensive abilities. You will be leaving their structure parts at 10% dur rather than 25% dur.

I just never run pure melee builds, I see them on the exhibition but I like having some reach. The proposed perk has no benefit to the actual weapon built in that everyone says is under powered.

Could be, it’s hard to say with that one…

Since the last cerebus change, I am seeing more people using them with non-melee weapons, which is cool.

But it is a melee cabin, and it makes sense for the perk to focus on that.

I agree that the Acari change probably won’t be a big deal.

As far as blight goes, it’s been one of the most expensive epic cabins forever. I always liked the idea of flamethrower builds, but none of mine worked very well until I saved up for a Blight.

I will likely continue to use Blight for flamethrowers, but I will definitely try out some other ideas now. I’m sure the change will definitely entice at least some people who don’t own a blight to try flamethrowers, especially given the current DPS meta.

Edit: more flamethrowers and melee also means that tracks will be more attractive, especially with their new buffs. All of this could be leading to a more diverse battlefield.

I’ve always used mine with shotguns. My fueler version has an averter on it that attaches to the cab and the gas tank. It’s fused for dmg res already. Normally I can go head to head with another cerb and win. It works out fairly nicely.

I’m sometimes amazed that they let some of these outliers persist so long.

I’ve done a number of them too never really liked the game play of them. They do plenty of dmg though.

The heating effect seems to pass through parts into the interior of a build, It’s part of the issue I have with their heating mechanics as they are now. A large track like goliath doesn’t offer any thermal protection to the mushy guts of a build.

I bet they saw my pre-omni auger vid on reddit! This is too good to be true if I can play augers like I did from 2018-2021.

If they keep fixing things balance wise they will get more players who stay.

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Have a feeling the changes is going to make them SUPER STRONG in “CLAN CONFRONTATION” I see them weapons sometimes in there but now there going to be even better.

Maybe not super strong but them Starfalls. Sound a lot more mean now.

If not in clan confrontation got a feeling they are going to be used on some new nasty lower-end builds.

Doves sounds pretty nasty now too. :skull_and_crossbones:

Gerrida I: Well they sound poopy now that speed is not great anymore was one of the nice things going for them legs being a lightweight leg. Now they sound horrible.

Never really use Hover builds but idk how i feel about the hovers like that.

Bigfoot tires sound like there going to be used lots now with the health jump and going to be kind of tanky now.

Everything else though and sounds really good though and excited about the other things.
Just list above I worry about some.

Changes look pretty good.

Heather cd time is not needed at all. Buffs to the mandrake were though.

Glad to see tracks getting some lovin.

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Aiming with the Avalanche is super slow. So this might help.

This also makes an interesting decision. Before, going with Avalanche and Hadron cabin was a no brainer for the more speed and extra energy, with the 15% reload bonus.

The Icebox’s old 15% damage boost didn’t make sense. It was slower and super awkward to build with.

Now, this is interesting. You’ll get more raw DPS with the Icebox.

I think the OG perk of the Icebox was 20%. But that with Tacklers was too OP and they both got nerfed.

This will affect elevation too. It is super slow to angle the Avalanche up to lob a shot into spawn at the beginning of the game and then back down for normal play.

Also, I have hold my shot a few times on a super fast hover, because my gun wasn’t at the correct elevation on maps with big elevation changes (Crater map).

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I wonder if these specific balance changes can spoil on what the 3 guns incoming in the next battle pass are.

I mean usually when they nerf or change a gun they suddenly roll out another gun that does the job of the nerfed gun. So I am guessing we are getting a fast rate Heather-kind of a gun, so the heather had to be made more sluggish so people buy the pass to get the new gun (heather 2.0)

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Some good, some not so good. It will all change again someday again. Inconsistency SNAFU

The 13% buff to dracos and firebugs Is wild. Please reduce it or remove it. Also gerrida nerf will be durastic, just leave it at 65. Hover nerf isnt necessary either. Please don’t ruin the game.

The game is already ruined for casuals. You have to be a p2w player for the game to be fun.

I think it’s more personality type. I had lots of fun for free before they introduced BPs, but I’m not ultra-competitive like some of you, so I’m happy as long as I get a few kills and win a few matches.
For other people, they can’t have fun unless they feel like they are dominating, which is harder to do without spending money. Not impossible, but you really have to be skilled and driven to do that.

The clan I started when they launched confrontation mode is always full of casual players, and there’s a lot of them. I usually kick out one or two people a week (if they haven’t been online for more than two weeks), and their slots are immediately taken by other casual players. If anything, chronic longtime players like myself seem more in the minority.

Right, You are onto something. Crossout, moreso than other games, is what you make of it. Many of the posts here tell more about the player than they do about the game.

I think this is a picture of a hover Flashing a Porc build.

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