Results of the big New Year poll 2024
Well, happy holidays! How are your festive dishes, have you eaten them all? While you’re relaxing after the feast, we’ve compiled the results of our big New Year poll. Let’s take a look at you, our magnificent survivors. And also compare some of the results to last year’s metrics. Spoiler: there’s not much change.
Let’s start with the basics: age. Most survivors in our community are between the ages of 18 and 25 (31%), but there are also some between 26 and 35 (26%). It’s interesting that last year we had less players under 35: 55% last year and 58% in 2024. We’re getting younger!
The vast majority of the Valley’s residents are men (98%). Women are only 2%. The numbers are the same as in the last poll results.
People come to the Valley from all corners of the world: most of the respondents said they are from Russia and CIS countries, Europe is the second popular answer, and North America comes third. But this year there was a noticeable increase in the number of survivors from South America and Asia.
49% of our community are working and 35% are studying, which is much more than 27% last year. And 13% are still successfully combining their studies and work. Respect!
47% of the survivors learned about the beautiful sights of the Valley through YouTube (45% last year). Recommendation from friends was the second popular answer, and advertisement was the third.
Last year we had 75% of experienced old-timer engineers (who have been in the Valley for more than 3 years), and this year we have 79% of them.
The most popular answer to the question “What armoured vehicles do you prefer?” was a vehicle with a medium cabin and something more heavy (33%). 18% are fans of light modules, and 12% love to drive the heaviest cars with cannons and artillery.
While you’re sleeping, 20% of survivors play non-stop. That’s how many Valley residents don’t log out of the game at all. Most still like to take a break from the Wasteland, but not for long. There are 47% of survivors who stay in the game a couple of days each week. The remaining 33% play a couple of hours per week.
Same as last year, 4% of survivors don’t fight at all, but perform the equally important task of staying in the garage and socializing. It’s great that Crossout has moral support specialists.
There are other games that don’t involve the Wasteland (but mentioning them is forbidden!!!). The split of answers about gaming in general doesn’t deviate much from last year’s result. 49% play games every day, and 26% play almost every day (5-6 days a week).
Here’s the top 5 survivors’ most favourite genres:
- Action — 56%;
- Strategy — 45%;
- Fantasy RPG — 34%;
- Cyberpunk — 28%;
- Arcade games and platformers — 20%.
That’s it, survivors. We’re in for a foundational year, by the way. I don’t know why I wrote this…
Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the survey. Congratulations on the New Year 2025 and good luck in battles!
P.S. And as usual, a little bit of cuteness from our players:
- “You are moving in the right direction. Way to go.”
- “Thanks for your efforts!”;
- “The game is developing into something really cool, I really like the move to more engagement with the community”;
- “I hope the project will change only for the better, thank you for your work”;
- “Dear developers! It is very pleasant to keep in contact with you going through these wonderful moments, after a while the game has really improved in a good way”;
- “I like everything about the game, you’re doing a good job, devs! Happy New Year, and please do battle for uranium more often”.