Any Good CC Clans open right now?

I don’t want to play with the people in the clan, I just want them to have a decent rating.

You want them to farm badges for you?

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Not for me, i do a lot of clan confrontation myself. I just want some help because right now i am carrying my clan in confrontation rating because none of them play it.

Ah, I see what you mean. In the clan I’m in, only about 8/20 people are active regularly, and generate Confrontation points; some play CC, some don’t. What alot of people don’t realize is, you DON’T have to play CC to get the Confrontation points. Any PVP missions will also count toward that number. I don’t play CC (and you wouldn’t want me on your team!), but I earn the credits through regular PVP missions.

Black Rust - Brust has a fair turn around rate on pc, I haven’t really looked at their rating though.

What platform are you on?

Not that many in my clan play confrontation, although people come and go. I usually boot people if they haven’t played for a few weeks. I don’t mind that some only play PVE and don’t contribute confrontation rating points, as they help us complete the PVE challenges.

I’m on PC

I thought I heard you got more rating from clan confrontation than regular pvp?

Still, my clan is pretty dead. So we are locked into the “Recognized” category.

People on this forum are not the “competitive” type. We struggle with pve often for example. Good effort, but id look elsewhere

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You are correct.
It’s hard to get very high with only PVP, but CC pays out much more.

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what’s the point of wanting a clan to do confrontation, but specifically not alongside you?

Well…what 's the “Prize?” Are there “prizes?” I didn’t know there were “prizes.” M420 seems pretty damn good, but I didn’t know he got a “prize.” Maybe I should get my schit together, eh?

Did anybody else get a “prize?” Is there Pizza?

Some of us aren’t that interested in playing in groups and using mics.
But we may still want the extra badges that come from our clans ranking higher and unlocking more clan challenges.

If more members of your clan play confrontation mode, they will contribute more confrontation points and unlock more challenges.

You don’t need to be playing in a group to benefit from having more competitive players in your clan.

More badges.

I’m not sure if M420 is actually in a clan, because I don’t think I’ve seen one listed beside their name when I see them in battle. But they may have just hidden their clan tag.
I have a vague memory of M420 saying something about enjoying confrontation mode, so they probably are in a clan.

I’m not sure he’s all that “competitive,” frankly. I think he’s just playing the game to have fun, but I should let him speak for himself. IDK. To me, it just looks like he’s having fun clowning the system, blowing schit up, and the wins are more incidental than like a status quest or something.

And honestly, I really don’t know what a “win” looks like when it comes to playing a video game. It’s probably never going to get anybody laid, there is no gold medal, although I do see some people earning money off of sponsorship arrangements, or streaming. I think it’s a little weird (gamer culture), and see none of it as capable of carrying any level of “prestige.”

So…“competitive?” Ya, I don’t get it. I have no idea what I’m supposed to be fighting for. Are we fighting? I was just playing.

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That’s pretty much how I see it.

I’m competing against myself mostly. Just trying to improve my builds and my skills. Figuring out how to make the most out of less-used items.

I expect to be beat by better players, and it doesn’t bother me.

I’m just trying to pass the time doing something that gives me pleasure, and I don’t need to win to have a good time.

It is nice to have a steady supply of new toys, and that’s easy enough for me to acheive with my casual clan and solo playing, alongside the main BPs that I’m willing to purchase.

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Lol sorry about the current build, i was experimenting around with the placement of executioners on the bastion cabin. My current build should be on my profile now.


A more cynical perspective (as if you wanted to hear one) would be that this game’s profit motive maybe should be factored in when considering this game as being potentially “competitive.” I’m not saying they are guilty of some Russian virtual doping scandal, but there are some P2W elements to this game. They do this for a living.

I think they try to provide a platform for competitive playing, because a lot of games do and people like that. But, I’m not sure this game, as unusual, innovative, and often wonky as it can be, is a very good candidate for serious “competitions.”

I can see how some of the other games could be, like online poker, or whatever the latest iteration of Madden Football is, but not this one. It’s too far out there, too wonky, and often broken. I think that’s sort of the creative process it does, though.

IDK. What does Elon Musk say? :grin:

Yeah, i do like the completive feel of CC, and i try to play as well as possible for my teams sake, but my build is definitely not meta. I agree with what pooey4u said, i more just compete against myself and try to make my build better. What i am saying is i need a clan were the players actually play confrontation, they don’t need to be super sweaty mic chatters that spend thousands on the game (EQWS), just people that play the gamemode enough to get into the renowned category or higher.

(No hate to EQWS, they are just a good example.)


Not as many tough. In PVP you only receive 1/8 of the CC points.