Anyone else feel the fun draining with these new challenges?

Make an PC acc and try it, I got a PC acc and I have never see it.
Did I miss something?

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I told you not to bother me. Seems like I need to use a tool for that.

A tool for a tool, heh.

Doc posted a pc screenshot above. He is on PC.

Also we had another thread on it the other day.
No need to go on a wild goose chase for you.

PatentsPending is a PC player - he said this the other day.

All versions (including PC) of the game have Aim Assist.
PC also has mouse turning for an even less competitive setting and ease of access.

But itā€™s not like you canā€™t take Docā€™s word for it, heā€™s a pretty good dude.

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Are you threatening to kick Monkeyā€™s ass? Or something else?

Anyway, did you find the aim assist setting in the menu yet?

Nah man. Get over yourself. Stop trying to be better than everyone and makeing efforts to always win as well as possible.

Just log in and play what you want how you want. Thats what i do. Guess what? Ill never get burnt out on crossout playong that way. When i played clanwars i got burnt out. Always on ugly meta so i can clear top 20. Forget that noise. If your trying to be meta in regular pvp just dont do that. You dont need to optamize for regular pvp. Let your hair down and find the fun.


Oh hes never turned his AA off.


I mean I play pretty much everything else on my PCā€¦ I donā€™t have any god specs, the thing is a few years old now

I could grab a 3060 but Iā€™m not too fussed, maybe in a couple more years but I et my 144frames with high graphic in pretty much everything at 1440p

I canā€™t stand aiming on a controller when it comes to fps games but I donā€™t mind on Crossoutā€¦ Iā€™ll play Forza and other stuff on my xbox too because why notā€¦ I can split my storage that way

Console can only use Mouse and keyboard on games that allow it, and Crossout doesnā€™t

Yeah by cheating lol


100% it would be cheating and that would be BS.

But I hear people on PC complain all the time about auto aim - maybe they are using the in game feature instead?

No they just straight up cheat on PC, on console they use emulation to cheat and use mouse and keyboard when itā€™s disallowed. This emulation can then be used for further cheating if you know how

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I think that would kind of be like putting in the cheat code on Grand Thief Auto to have all the guns and all the money.

It might be fun for an hour or two, then you realize the game is just ruined.

What does that even mean? What are you trying to say

Ah back at it again

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Iā€™m only seeing half the conversation here, but that made me laugh. Been there, done that.

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Yes I found it which is very interesting ,never seen it before ,does it work only with controller plugged in?:thinking:

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He tries to be smart but he dont know what hes talking about ,ezzz explanation ,the name is cronus

this is how youā€™re connecting m/k to consoles :love_you_gesture:

Yeah I know that, but what heā€™s saying makes no senseā€¦ as if saying cheaters get ā€œboredā€ so why cheat? Like thatā€™s going to solve anything or stop people lol

That guy dont know what life is all about :crazy_face:
