Anyone else notice (movement parts)

For some parts in Crossout, it takes a while for the Community to find a game breaking build or use for the part. Kami cabin was like that. When it first came out, no one used it. Then someone put it on his Scorpion or Punisher hover as a way to evade Flash. Then everyone used it for that.

Another person figured out that with 10+Gerridas, a Pegasus, a Humpback and some Helios, you can have a giant 5000+hp spider that goes 70 kph and pins dogs and hovers into a corner and burning them with Helios fire for massive cab damage.

This build has broken the game and has already been nerfed twice with more to come. It wasn’t invented overnight. The process for this kind of thing, is that clans develop a prototype, use it in PVP and custom battles, run it in clan wars, and if it wins, it catches on slowly and then quickly.

A few things I’ve come up with that have since been often repeated:

  1. Fast minelayers. I used 4 Kings, a Kapkan on Griffon cab on wheels to very good effect in PVP. This is a common build now, usually with a Harpy.

  2. Triple Fortune Beholder dogs. I was doing this long before it was fashionable.

  3. Harpy Helicon hover. Everyone runs their Helicons on Catalina. This seems to be in error. Harpy Helicon is much more brawlable. Will this ever catch on? I don’t know. Probably not, as Harpy is a sluggish cab and you need everything fused for power for this to work. Catalina cabins have a lot of power so you can get one fused for +Mass and have it work great for hovers as well.

Probably, people will start using different rocket builds when Catalinas get nerfed into the ground next patch.

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