pve is now 6v6 instead of 8v8 and the timer is set at 3 minutes. anyone else noticed this?
was this intentional or what? they had a big update to the game and then they didnt menion pve being 6v6.
playing right now, 8v8 and 3 minutes
in pve?? patrol vs ai?
On PC is still seems to be 8 vs 8 in copper patrols.
I think they did update the match-maker though. It suddenly runs like schit and all of my matches are stupid with very wide PS ranges. It’s probably because they have run off all their customers, and can no longer fill matches easily. Their Steam numbers suck pretty bad, but that’s not the only sign of low public interest.
here on ps4 they reduced pve to 6v6 and… i have no idea why…
im not surprised because they have done very little with the game over the years and its just the same crap over and over again. battlepasses with temporary blueprints, mini battlepasses inside of a battlepass, balance updates that werent needed, constant new weapons and whatnot though paid for battlepasses, no new modes, no updates to existing modes like adventure, the removal of casings and coupons, etc. i could go on but i think the community has had enough. the devs need to turn things around cause im getting really tired of this crap as well.
They definitely updated the matchmaker. It’s not at all an improvement either.
I don’t think I like this update. Whatever “balance” they pretend to be installing is completely irrelevant when this is how the matchmaker sets you up…
Looks like destiny to me.

I’ve actually never seen the matchmaker do that before. At least I don’t remember that having happened before, where every member of the team is matched against an adversary with about a 15% advantage all the way down the board…also it put me at the top. That’s the first time I wasn’t on the bottom since this update dropped.
IDK. That match is pretty blatantly scewed. What’s the real point of “balance” updates if they are just going to have the matchmaker take a big dump on the principal of fair play?
Is this broken, or is it doing what it’s told?
*Note: This is PVP and the protocols for PVE are typically much different, regarding the matchmaker.
that Florence bot has the exactly same PS than me.
But that doesn’t seem nothing out the ordinary.
This screenshot was taken before the update .
See, there’s a guy with 1000 PS more than me
Yesterday was 6v6 on xbox. I don’t know today.
In 6v6, shooting bots pretty much loses its meaning.
Met some players mainly in pve, so I’m curious how this will be fun for them.
it’s now 5v5 in the heli/legs missions
That’s a new one. Are you on console?
I’ve been getting 5v5 in Next Step on PC. It really sucks
No, on PC.