So in that video I think I can see what I think I was experiencing where it is still bogging down after you go flat.
I’ll have to watch it a few more times.
Also I know this is an awful solution… but some power fused Omni’s would not hurt.
Sadly it feels like many of the things in game are balanced around the fused versions.
That sounds like the thing i experienced, where the chassis is bottoming out on the crest of the hill. I think that’s different from what other people are seeing.
Ok, I think that’s different from what I’ve experienced, unless possibly your front bumper is hitting the hill at that angle.
Starting to think this might be a PC only glitch, although I’m not ruling out something about the ride height changing and messing things up.
They definitely nerfed tf out of Omnis. If I’m sitting still on a slope with a 4 omni deadman build I accelerate like a wheeled CW brick, meanwhile everything else but augers accelerates as normal. They really unnecessarily fucked omnis and it breaks my will to play I never would have fused them and my Ghost if I’d have known they’d do this.
anything that happens in the garage,stays in the garage!
just saying it doesn’t happen in the game.have fun
Are you on PC?
I don’t think it was a deliberate nerf, since not all of us are seeing it. Must be a glitch of some kind, as neither me nor Monkey have been able to reproduce it on console.
I am on PC. Try driving forwards and turn your vehicle 180 like this without losing nearly all momentum, I can’t do it anymore. Try to accelerate from a standstill uphill.
This is what happens now when I attempt this same maneuver. They completely destroyed my gameplay in a way thats never been done to hovers.
I’m talking about slowing down drastically on hills.
But it does seem like no one on console is experiencing the hill problem.
Changing directions is a different issue, and has always been weird. Completely separate topic.
Edit: just watched your first video, and I’m not having any problems doing that move. It’s a fun move!
Its an awesome move for losing players chasing you, or running away and then turning around to face them while in cloak, they never expect it!
My omni vehicles slow down when going up most any incline. The speedometer will read 90, then less depending on the grade of the the hill. On PS4
How much of a drop? A little bit is normal (we are heavy vehicles climbing hills after all), but the amount shown in that first video is much more than I’m seeing on PS4. I’m also seeing a lot of omniwheels in some PS ranges, more than hovers.
Can you post a photo of the build, and video so we can see how much slowdown you’re getting on hills?
I was noticing some moments last night when my acceleration was bad, but I suspect that was just me messing up my direction transitions. Augers and omniwheels work best when you transition to a new direction by stepping through the in between positions (can’t figure out a better way of explaining it, but I’m sure anyone who plays a lot of augers/omniwheels knows what I mean).
Its not weird and its not a build problem. Its either a bug or a severe nerf from the recent tracks update.
If it’s a nerf, why aren’t all of us experiencing it?
I think it’s a bug, but also think it’s possible that it’s due how a bug might interact with specific build styles.
The only way to know for sure is to accumulate more data and examples.
To bad we don’t have crossplay or we could test the same builds
Don’t mind me, but that is Another thing that makes me super salty with the dev team.
Rule #1 - Don’t say your doing something if your not.
That rule will take you a long way in real life. Without trust you don’t have much.
To be fair to the devs, I don’t think cross play is as easy as flicking a switch. Beyond the technical issues, there are also the issues involved with the console companies.
I don’t think they’re lying about wanting to do it. I think it’s just turned out to be harder than they thought.
i had a match last night where i could only go 19 uphill , usually its not that bad though
Yes I get that. But it’s also not as hard as you think.
Because other games have done it it is easy enough to buy the code. They don’t even have to make anything themselves.
P.S. if you didn’t know, I used to own a video game development company. I have mentioned it a few times on the forum before.
My guess is that the holdup is more about negotiating with Sony and XBOX. It’s one thing for a big game like Fortnite, but Crossout is small potatoes compared to any of the crossplay games I can think of.
Although since I pretty much only play Crossout, there could be a lot more crossplay games I’m unaware of.
If the delay isn’t because of budget issues and unexpected complications, what do you think the reason is? It almost sounds like you think they’re up to something nefarious.
Well, I think they are up to the same old thing.
I think they told everyone they would bring Crossplay at a time when everyone was pushing them really hard to do so and they were about to lose a bunch of people. This made a lot of people happy when they announced it and guys that where planning to leave the game did not because of the promise of crossplay. Because of this those guys hung out and invested another 6-12 months of time into the game and now they are to deep to stop playing.
Then I think that their CFO crunched the numbers and they realized they could keep us all separate, not make the investment for crossplay, and make more money.
This is about the same time they figured out they can make mini-BPs inside big BPs and people will still pay for it.
I think they make more money now then they ever did. They have no incentive to go crossplay, because even with cross play their is one fact you can’t get away from and that is:
“Even with cross play CrossOut will still be Crossout, a game most people dislike.”