Are we getting cheated on Barrier?

I always fealt bs on the Barrier timer! the activation timer start when derop but timeer is quarter the way done before the bubble activates.

yeah its a massive waste. ive always had an issue with that because it takes time for the barrier to pop up . i have mine fused where it activates quicker but i feel that the timer on it shouldnt start UNTIL the barrier is up.


Thats the way i feel! at least the bubble can pop up right whwn the timer start not 2 or seconds after D:<

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Barrier timers and their mechanics can sometimes seem misleading. If the timer starts counting down right when the ability is activated, but it feels like the bubble isn’t appearing until the timer is partly expired, it might be due to server lag or the internal mechanics of the game.
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you got cheated in a game, i got cheated at birth if you know what i mean :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: just thought it would be a funny joke

The Barrier IX used to activate immediately upon deploying. You could react to a cannon shell flying at you as soon as the shot was fired. The energy requirement was equivalent to 8 today, there was no force field HP limit, it took some 50 seconds to recharge by itself, and the module’s dimensions were 4x4x4 blocks. On 2018.01.23 (update 0.8.55), the developers decided to delay its activation by 2 seconds.

But, because they don’t play the game, they did it by lopping off 2 seconds off the module’s duration. This way, the base duration of 10 seconds, as well as the upgraded duration of 12 seconds, were both reduced by 2 seconds. Which means that the upgrade now merely restores the base duration from before the nerf. As it is now, we can carry more Barriers, and it’s easier to use just one. But I preferred it before any of the nerfs, because it was more predictable. On 2017.12.08, update 0.8.30 increased damage done to force fields by rockets, grenades and autocannon projectiles.

So your teammates can often find themselves exposed to enemy fire, because the bubble can pop in just 2 seconds. Back then, battles were less chaotic and slower-paced. You could expect particular vehicles to behave in certain ways, especially at higher power scores. There was a noticeable difference between player skill at 9K and 8K PS. Whenever I had to drop to 8K to do a challenge with weapons I didn’t normally use, I’d have to deal with less skilled teammates. But because they stayed at 8K and lower, I could enjoy playing with bettter teammates at 9K and up. On 2019.09.12, update 0.10.80 increased the PS of certain parts, which disturbed that division.

And since 2020.02.06, with the start of the first season, new players have been able to quickly join high-PS battles before learning to use their pre-upgraded weapons, which resulted in even less skill at high power scores…

Can I also mention that the new cartoon like graphics for it are just aweful! The old bubble that you could actually see through was so much better.


i guess they wanted to make it look futuristic? i mean it doesnt look terrible but i prefer the old look.

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