Are you lucky?

I just wanted to ask you guys if you are lucky in the game with your teammates or if you get good things from drops because i only get stickers and bad decorations from events like the big black scorpions event. Just let me know if you are lucky in the game or not (maybe share a video clip or something like that)

Have a good day!

You mean upgrading chrome green paint and 4 others for rare blue workbench coupons?

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Bro :skull:

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100% Hit or miss for me, I have Las Vegas odds with crates. Shot at & missed and :poop: at & hit is my usual experience. !

LOL the ever so coveted allusive Green chrome paint! :astonished: Send a can my way Iā€™ll return with a good trade :wink:

I wish. I had two and I couldnā€™t sell it or anything so, I ā€œupgradedā€ itā€¦

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Iā€™ve been wanting that uranium from those material crates (not gonna happen I know). I told one of my friends if I ever do somehow get uranium, Iā€™d probably spam caps about how I got it because of how happy Iā€™d beā€¦ If only it would happen to meā€¦ :sob:

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I never win anything good in real life, but I have pretty good luck in Crossout with random loot boxes.
I have horrible luck with fusing though