Armored track needs to be fixed

Hey, I agree that Crossout physics aren’t great when it comes to mass. They’ve been trying to address that with things like the various attempts at the wedge fix, but in general, things don’t feel as “heavy” as they should (except when trying to climb a wet or sandy hill).

But sabbath wheels are not small at all. They’re smaller than Bigfoots, but not by very much. Real life Bigfoot wheels are huge!

And I am not talking about drag racers on pavement (they probably wouldn’t be great at pushing or towing).

This is the kind of thing I’m talking about:

Those wheels are probably about as big as Sabbaths, and they’ve got more than one engine (just like Crossout!), and they’re dragging tank sized loads on dirt with only two wheel drive. The sleds they pull drag the load on the ground, and increase the friction along the run by pulling the weights up a ramp to put more mass on the dragging section. Definitely comparable to moving a tank and overcoming the track friction.

So translate that to Crossout, where the truck probably has six big wheels, all delivering power, and lots of armour and weapons weighing it down and providing more traction. Not to mention a plow on the front.

It’s really not that crazy that it could push a tank. But having said that, I do agree that it doesn’t feel right when Crossout vehicles are pushed and lose traction to the point where they feel weightless. That’s not a problem specific to armoured tracks though.

Last time I checked going up a hill sideways isn’t very efficient. I have a tracked build that could make it up that slope.

look at the date of when i uploaded the video, it was last year or 2 years ago not a recent thing lol

Just shows they’re still good. My build can STILL make it up.

I see you are not speaking lightly either. But you are making comparisons that are not valid.

You are presenting absolutely extreme situations and saying that big wheels can accomplish big things.

Well, Armored tracks are already big. I have Bigfoots in Crossout and they have a contact surface of approximately 2.5 X 1 “Squares”. On Armored track it is approximately 3 x 11. Do you see the difference?

I’m saying that your examples don’t apply to the game because there are limitations within it. Assuming we are talking about similar PS’s between two builds, if you invest a lot in something you will have to sacrifice others.

What happens when you exceed your build tonnage? And what happens when you exceed the mass limit? I’m sure you know the answer to these questions.

When someone pushes my armored tracked build, the game is ignoring (or not correctly calculating) its weight and grip. To say the least.

Yesterday I was dueling someone and after destroying his weapons, he decided to keep pushing my build. From the front, from the side, it doesn’t matter. From that moment “I became a passenger”. There was nothing more I could to do. The problem is that he used 4 Atoms and I used 2 armored tracks.

There’s nothing anyone can say to me that would make me accept this kind of nonsense.

I’m sorry man, I have nothing more to say regarding this matter. And actually, I never expected the devs to do anything about it.

I just thought it wasn’t right for me to complain about the game without first doing my part, which is to say what’s happening.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I think they need to work more on the ideas they’ve started with the wedge fix, but also have it apply to pushing, and not just when lifting a build.
It’s not just tracks that get pushed too easily.

It almost feels like when you push a build above a certain speed, they lose all resistance.

I think you are correct that they should use tonnage/mass limit to determine how a build can push another one, and I think they need to make the response a smooth curve, not the sudden loss of power that the wedge fix was.

And I say this as someone who likes playing melee and pushing people around. It’s not fun when your victim turns into a balloon.

Also depends on tracks you use too, not sure if that was said or not.

Small tracks and the medium tracks should be more easy to push around anyhow and tank track and goliath track is a different story & the Armored track.

An yes like someone said the wheeled cars are not your standard sedan :stuck_out_tongue: these are like 12 to 15 feet wide vehicles and up to 20+ feet long people build. The scale is hard to see sometimes but you can see some actual cars on some maps. An they feel like a little bug to your build.

Its like Tesla Cyber Truck vs. a Fiat 500 but even worse. :stuck_out_tongue: lol

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ya fiat 500 in the game stops a cyber truck instantly lol now that makes sense

if you think those are bad you should see the pushing power of omnis, those things are ridiculous.
i like tank tracks and have used them in the past. but unlike wrights i dont have 14 tank tracks sitting in my inventory at any time. dont know why you need that many tracks buuuuuut you do you.

i feel tracks in general are kind of messed up. small tracks i dont use for various reasons. tank tracks i used to use along with armored tracks. i still have my 2 goliaths though those are kind of… meh.
i should try them again to test them out. also i have been using slepnirs and i like them quite a bit. i think i have 2 fused tank tracks to. wrights also said they nerfed tracks, though i wonder how? it was long ago he said but i cant remember how they were nerfed. :thinking:

I’m finding all tracks seem to be handling a lot better now, once you get the hang of the quick pivot trick. Releasing the throttle now puts you immediately into a fast pivot, which allows you to do some very cool maneuvering even on the slower heavier options.

ya maybe with 2 or 4 tracks lol my build with 14 tracks runs like shit cant get up anything which in reality it should be able to but the devs dont want the players to have actual fun

it was a project i wanted to build nd hopefully inspire more ppl to play nd show what ppl could build if they put time in the game but ya other then that im glad many ppl love my build while others try nd trash talk it but i know they secretly love it lol

Are you using Pegasus with that many tracks? If not, you should!

ya have to for more mass thats why my build has alot of hp but engine still needs mass upgrade tho

ive seen people run that kind of build with goliaths. though idk how youd fit that many goliaths on it. they have an assload of hp but they are really big. still you might be able to protect a cannon pretty well hidden behind them.

ya but u gotta lose out on hp tho even if u have the cannons upgraded for less mass cuz theyll over mass the build which kinda sucks thats why my build cant run cannons