Ayudennos a disfrutar mas su juego

Esta de mas explicar de va el juego. Lo que si no esta de mas, es contar como es la experiencia dentro del juego…
Partiendo desde una base muy simple, las armas legendarias no es rentable armarlas. Cuestan muchisimo y las que solo se consiguen comprando las aplastan 3-4 veces.
Cada una requiere 750de baterias y 750 de circuitos electronicos los cuales solo se consiguen en 1 tipo de misiones. Las primeras en pvp donde ganarlas no es facil y la 2da en raids. Para ambos recursos en el mejor de los casos podes sacar 10 como mucho de 750 que nesecitas.
Y eso no seria problema, si el juego no te emparejara con tus armas inusuales contra armas epicas o legendarias ( ya que el matchmaking va dado por un PS promedio, en vez de una “Rareza” promedio como deberia ser para hacer las batallas mas disfrutables ) las cuales superan por muchisimo a armas raras o inusuales…
El punto de este hilo, es para pedir que este juego sra mas disfrutable. No seria algo de otro mundo que agregen 2 tipos mas de batallas vs bots donde se puedan conseguir cables y baterias. Asi se consigan menos de la mitad valdria mas la pena y seria mas disfrutable. O bajar el precio de los recursos para crear las piezas con las que se es emparejado
A la hora de crear armas para vender, se pierde en todo. Hasta se cobra por crear y vender incluso la propia arma. Lo cual hace que el progreso ses ridiculo, a menos claro, que se este dispuedto a soltar unos buenos billetes del mundo real. Lo cual no veo mal ya que deben recaudar, pero podria mejorarse y mucho…
En resumen. No es mucho pedir. Simplemente agregar 2 modos mas vs bots. Con cables y baterias como recompensa. Y si se pudiese conseguir el 50% de combustible que en pvp seria grandioso. Seria un juego muy bueno y disfrutable que hasta tendria mas jugadores dia a dia. Espero que lean esto y lo entiendan como yo. No es nada lindo perder 3/5 batallas por jugar en desventaja…
Ayuden a disfrutar mas este juego por favor

Translation from google below:

It’s more to explain the game. What’s not much, it’s telling what the experience is like within the game…

Starting from a very simple base, legendary weapons are not profitable to assemble them. They cost a lot and those that are only bought by buying are crushed 3-4 times.

Each one requires 750 batteries and 750 electronic circuits which are only available in 1 type of missions. The first in pvp where winning them is not easy and the 2nd in raids. For both resources in the best of cases you can get 10 at most out of 750 that you need.

And that would not be a problem, if the game did not match you with your unusual weapons against epic or legendary weapons ( since matchmaking is given by an average PS, instead of an average “Rareness” as it should be to make the battles more enjoyable) which far surpass rare or unusual weapons…

The point of this thread is to ask that this game will be more enjoyable. It would not be something out of this world if they add 2 more types of battles vs bots where you can get cables and batteries. If they get less than half, it would be more worth it and it would be more enjoyable. Or lower the price of the resources to create the pieces with which it is paired

When it comes to creating weapons to sell, you get lost in everything. It is even charged to create and sell even the weapon itself. Which makes progress ridiculous, unless it is clear that he is willing to release some good real-world bills. Which I don’t see bad since they have to raise, but it could be improved and a lot…

In short. It’s not much to ask. Simply add 2 more modes vs bots. With cables and batteries as a reward. And if you could get 50% of fuel that in pvp would be great. It would be a very good and enjoyable game that would even have more players day by day. I hope you read this and understand it as I do. It’s not nice to lose 3/5 battles for playing at a disadvantage…

Please help to enjoy this game more.


You make good points… and yeah… going up against typhoons with sledgehammers is annoying.

I think the reason they do this is because they can’t make the AI for bots smart enough to compete with you without giving them relic weapons. Still, it’s frustrating.

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Hello I want to share my opinion about your messege The writer is discussing a game and explaining that it is difficult to assemble legendary weapons as they require a large amount of resources that are only available in specific types of missions. The writer suggests that the game should be made more enjoyable by adding two more types of battles where players can obtain the necessary resources, or by lowering the price of the resources required to create the weapons. The writer also mentions that matchmaking is based on an average PS rather than an average “Rareness,” which results in players with less powerful weapons being matched against players with more powerful weapons. The writer believes that adding new battle modes would make the game more enjoyable and attract more players. BenefitsCal App