I vibrantly recall getting pwnd by a Hammerfall player recently. I remember it because, I was like, “Wow, I just got pwnd by shotguns? What kind of shotguns?” So I looked. I usually DGAF. I felt like I might need some, but IDK. I’m content to stay in my box for now.
Very this. I hear there is a update scheduled to address speed. I wonder what they have planned.
I know they’ve mentioned a rework of how speed/distance perk modifiers work (which makes me nervous), but are you saying they’re hinting at some bigger handling changes?
I sometimes wish handling wasn’t impacted so much by mass balance, but at the same time, I like being able to tweak and fine-tune handling. When you put together a fast car that drives nice, it’s very satisfying.
But then you lose a heavy piece of armour and your handling goes wonky.
My biggest handling complaint is about how slippery sand/snow/wet is. Some realism is nice, but a little less would be good.
Heavier builds handle much better, but are less fun.
I’m not sure if this isn’t sort of trending right now (FX are tuned up a little) because of the drift-car BP, but if you do build a proper drift car they seem to like the ice and will game other less prepared or alter-oriented builds. It does feel a bit extreme right now. My style naturally prefers the drift FX, so that part isn’t harshing me as much as some of the other things going on…like I get the impression that certain crossbow users are exploiting the aim-assist on PC, like for some reason the feature is favoring crossbows right now, or they are straight-up using aim-bots. I think it’s an aim-assist exploit. I don’t like it.
From what I understand, the aim assist option on PC is only active if you plug in a controller, and I can’t see many people doing that, as I think it’s still easier to aim with a mouse than with a controller +aim assist.
Crossbows don’t generate significant recoil for the shooter, and are more accurate than many weapons. Also, I suspect their projectile model is bigger than the visual model of the arrows, which would make things easier to hit.
I don’t think what you’re seeing is aim assist. I think crossbows are just a bit more popular lately, so you’re seeing more skilled players using them.
Phoenix got a big change recently, which has definitely led to more people trying it again. Spike had a good fusion available in an event a while ago, which led to more people using it. And Toadfish can work very well at CC range, and I’ve seen lots of variations of one particular build.
I also suspect that more people are realizing that running an oppressor and buggy wheels allows you to rotate your crossbow a lot quicker, which makes them more effective than they are normally.
Which reminds me, I still haven’t tried Phoenix since they got buffed, and I should get some again.
I’m not saying everybody is doing it, but plugging a controller in, cranking up the aim-assist, and then getting back on the K&M is too easy.
Nonetheless and whatever the case or cause, players being able to bullseye a target from spawn point to spawn point (as just happened) might ought be addressed by the developers. I sure won’t play that game…it’s why I’m not presently.
I do imagine some shenanigans as well, there’s a couple of PC crossbow players who just do not miss, running the same build as well, a few from the same clan and a few not, but on top of that they’re notoriously toxic, and on top of even that one specific player, the most chat spamming of them all, I have to re-blacklist every two or three weeks because for some reason his account gets un-blacklisted for no reason, certainly not by me myself.
Phoenixes became very good with the change, they’re about twice as effective as before I’d even say. Instantly went from 5/10 to 8/10
Does it work that way? I thought it was just something that was automatically available (and I believe on by default), but only when a controller was plugged in. From what I recall, a forum member tested it (although my memory could be flawed).
Regardless, the built-in aim assist isn’t really going to help you land a spawn-to-spawn hit with a crossbow. Too much projectile drop. Could do it with Kaiju, but you’d need line of sight.
I’ve been known to let off a blind shot towards the enemy spawn when using long range weapons at the beginning of matches, and I’m surprised at how often I hit someone. Depends completely on the weapon and the map, but it’s definitely possible.
The current Crossout aim assist has three intensity settings (unless they’ve changed it again). From what I can tell, I’m pretty sure they’re all based on what used to be called the “friction” method, as opposed to the original “magnetic” technique. It just seems to slow down your reticle movement when over a target, rather than dragging it towards the centre of any nearby target.
The problem with either method is that any non-hitscan weapon (which is now almost everything) has projectile speed to account for, and in many cases projectile drop too. Aim assist can make it annoying to shoot ahead and/or above a target.
But at medium range, those things don’t matter as much.
Well, that mofo did it with a crossbow, and I doubt he actually “saw” me at all, I was so far away. I’d only been on the map for 2 seconds.
I thought it had to be a bot because they are the only ones I’ve ever seen with…bot like accuracy. Nerp, it was a dude on a hover and company. Snap shot after snap shot, bullseye, repeatedly, never missing, right out of the gate, literally all the way on the opposite side of the map at spawn-point vs spawn-point. I logged off. What was I supposed to do? That’s not a game. It’s exploitation.
Like so many others, most people in fact, I’m not feeling obligated to sort out why their game is so full of BS. It just is, and I’ll find something else to do. It’s sad and disappointing, but it’s not just my “perception,” and it’s not going to be my problem.
I’ll try again later, after those a-holes are done with their cheat session.
i remember one time in my cannon build, i shot a blind shot from across the map and hit some random dude right in the explosives and one shot him. idk what exactly i hit but holy crap i destroyed his whole build frames and all lol. i think i seen him rolling forward on just a cabin and wheels and i felt so bad for him because it was only the beginning of the match and i 1 shot the poor guy without him having been able to get any points.