Balance changes planned for the upcoming update

Mainly the rockets wasp and the pyrilid(sp?) but also snowfall. I think some of the perks on the cab works with a few other rockets too if I remember correctly. I wouldn’t mind if they did dmg reduction based on rarity as that’s what I saw as being most of the issue. Snowfall would still have a larger issue then cricket with that type of drawback despite being the same rarity.

That Steppe Spider change is kinda shitty tbh, while rockets need love, I think they need gun specific love over all rockets pretty much being forced to only work under a single cabin, if they take the negative effect away from the perk, there is no reason to run rockets on any other cabin after that, completely making harpy etc builds mostly obsolete and dooming rockets into steppe spider only and just not performing good enough at all in any other configuration, it’s super limiting and honestly lazy to just poop out a singular cabin that turns all poorly performing weapons of a specific type suddenly good and calling it a day on ever touching the specific weapon type ever again with any kind of attention

Like how Dusk completely annihilated traditional pyre builds and the only way to make pyres work and be any amounts of effective was to run a dusk pyre build, there was no other option


Oh, nice buff for my Steppe Snowfall build. Anyway, back to Helldivers :saluting_face:

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A lot of good changes here, which includes pretty much everything I predicted as well as a bunch of things I hadn’t thought of but that make sense.

All my most powerful builds got a nerf, and all my weakest builds got a buff, which is a sign of a good balance patch.

Well done!

Crossout, never a boring moment ! :wink:

It’s not that fair, but ok.

creativity is paying the price, parts that only connect in a single position, parts that don’t work with others and so on.

Is this abusing the game mechanics or a alternative to armour, light and though, that can double as a wheel in some terrains?
It’s not that strong at low speeds.
I don’t need the tonnage, but the perk is nice.
The weapons in there are not META or OP, they are teal hawks
A couple more of BFs will kill the acceleration which is nothing extraordinary as is, it’s enough for medium builds not caught up if i maintain full throttle.

A lot of builds like this will have to be changed just because , some abuse of the game mechanics.

If it touched the ground, you’d get the tonnage.

I’m saying it’s fair as it will now work the same as all the other parts subject to the same rules.


But i won’t get the perk at higher speeds

If you put your hermits in front so that your build tilts and they touch the ground, you can still get the perk working.
But if you are just using them for armour, why not just add some non-ST Bigfoots?
Remember, non-ST wheels give you a lot more tonnage and drain less power. Using some can help keep your acceleration decent when using more wheels, and they can also allow you to use less wheels and still max out your tonnage.

That’s what I would probably do.

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Hmm, gonna sell my extra Jorg’s I got for fusing. Maybe all of them. Price has gone way up.

Is this a joke? Seriously, is this a joke?

It’s a STEPPE SPIDER cabin! It’s in the name! Why the hell are you guys doubling down on a rocket perk NO ONE USES in spider builds?

Either introduce a new cabin for rocket users and their beloved wheels and hovers, or change the perk for the steppe spider cabin to something that would actually be useful for steppe spider builds.

Or just change the name to “Stupid Rocket” cabin and put it out of its misery. It has nothing to do with steppe spiders.

“Hold on, guys! I have this Steppe Spider cabin. Let me switch over to my unguided rocket ML-200 build.” - said no one ever.

I don’t think that’ll work very well, because bricks have those undermounted gravastar things under the cab, and increase in durability would make it harder to disarm them than they already are.

Or, you know, introduce a new cabin or change some other cabin to better reflect rockets. Maybe a light or medium cabin that’s already used with wheel and hover builds. No one but wheel and hover builds use the Steppe Spider cabin now anyway. The changes to this cabin make zero sense.

Steppe spider cabin should have perks that make it useful with spider builds or slower builds in general. Maybe something like: “15% damage reduction for all mounted weapons when moving slower than 30 km/h to a maximum of 40% when not moving.”

There. Now the Steppe Spider cabin is awesome again. Throw on some ML-200s and go out and be an awesome spider tank.

A lot of people were just not using it on spider builds as they wanted it to be a heavy cab which it wasn’t it was more like the dropped tank cab weight class. Since it had good tonnage on wheels a lot used it with that rather than the slow legs that existed.

I don’t think it’s a big deal and it works with more rockets now that it doesn’t have that dmg poison pill attached to it.

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It didn’t need to be a heavy cab. It had an insane amount of tonnage and mass limit for a compact medium cab, and it was the only medium cabin that could take full advantage of the ML-200s. The extra energy was well worth it. With the original perk, it made mechanical legs somewhat tolerable (although still a gimmick.) The problem was never the cabin, it’s always been the mechanical legs. So when they changed the perk to Artillery weapons (which at least some people utilized because ML-200s protected artillery very well), and then to fixed rockets (something no one used on legs anyway) legs were all but abandoned. And since wheels and hovers would never take advantage of the tonnage and mass of the cabin, they then nerfed the hell out of it because “people weren’t taking advantage of the cabin’s tonnage and mass.”

So devs add a perk that makes it all but useless on any legs, then nerf the cabin because people aren’t using it with legs. Now we have a steppe spider cabin that is never used in steppe spider builds.

It’s a big deal because it’s a STEPPE SPIDER cabin. The perk is fine, but it doesn’t belong on a steppe spider cabin. Make a new cabin or alter some other light or medium cabin. Don’t take away the only Steppe Spider cabin in the game.

I think it’s too late to put that genie back in the bottle. By this point, anyone still using that cabin is using it for the new perk with rockets. Changing it back to what it was will just break all those builds.

Idk y they nerfed phoonami - whaler recoil. Utterly pointless nerf. I enjoyed using tsunami recoil on light builds as an evasive measure too.

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So instead just screw over all the people who bought the pack (now two packs, and multiple times in my case) and fused the cabin precisely because it’s a Steppe Spider cabin advertised to be used specifically with mechanical leg parts?

OR, they can do a special event where people can trade in their Steppe Spider cabin for a new rocket cabin, then change the Steppe Spider cabin back into something actually useful for steppe spider builds.

It would be trivial to give both parties what they want without screwing over everyone who stuck with the spider tank builds since beta, back when a match would end before you could even make it to an objective point.