To balance the popularity of wheeled brick builds, just create a counter for them. Make a two new legendary or first relic Cabins that are light and can enhance Fire and Melee builds. Lets say the Fire cabin will extend the range of the fire and has bonus damage on wheels. Now the counter for these would be the Legs, improve the turn around speed, traction and more armor possibly so that the Spiders would be the counter for these new light Menaces.
Or have speed based on total weight of the vehicle.
Would instantly solve the brick problem.
nah russian cheater will bypass that restriction
like the one we had to deal with today … cab with 2tons overload still running like its half the regular weight.
Bricks were not the problem they are now until the devs gave epic wheels retarded overpowered stats and perks.
The problem is, people always go with what has the best returns. Whatever you cripple will just be replaced by an equally obnoxious meta.
disagree to just add counter weapons. There is ripper anyway and noone used it before overbuff now.
agree Spiders should be counter to bricks that bump it, but its opposite because devs are dumb.
all bricks problem started from fin whale, and jackie (that was added after first nerf cancelling all first speed nerf) and traction overbuff for wheels
The thing is HVY cabins should never go that fast and wheels should never have more traction than SLOW Spiders/etc HVY vehicles.
So they need re-work this 2 modules, or we just wait for next “speed update” that might solve it too.
Cheaters will bypass any nerf or change. That’s not a valid counter to my argument.