Been hacked

You got over 10k coin worth of triangular ramps, is that what the hackers bought? They don’t even benefit that makes no sense!

My theory is he stole my account them use it to buy overpriced stuff to him and his friends.
Or it is for market manipulation.
He sold all I have to buy those crappy things, why too if it’s not to steal my coins ?

It is not for market manipulation you can rule that out with 200% certainty, I’m the alpha market flipper of crossout I know the market inside out. It must of been someone close to you or some random managed to get your account details somehow. If you want to know who his friends are I got the list right here for you.

Also I don’t think this person is an hacker as that would be giving him too much credit, this player don’t have a whole ton of patches or even all that much stuff on his account except for that one devourer. It could be someone you know personally in real life or someone you met online who took a very good educated guess at your password but I can only go off what you told us so far.

You’re dumb af wtf are you on about

Make sure you get all the giveaway and promos and get some wheels and weapons for free while you wait.

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I knew something was wrong with this screenshot.

How on Earth is your cabin floating 2 pins above the frames?


the most you can do is contact support and explain you got hacked, and if they can verify that they might do something. but dont expect anything to actually happen

This is what I did, I am pending, but I am confident because of IP adress (and I am using steamguard) it seems like an obvious case ^^

That’s a long time I hadn’t play this game, I didn’t find any free stuff, you mean free stuff on the battlepass ?

I think they meant this stuff:

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Thank you !

It is not floating it is optical illusion because it is not centered :wink:
Capture d'écran 2024-12-20 002553

Well, I will say… that’s some odd cabin placement.

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lol, that’s not really a build or anything, this is just what left of a totally empty account wich used to be a great one.

I was more playing at 15k

After support contact, i am waiting the devteam to make an investigation.
What a pain to play blue stuff at 4000 PS,… I was close to orange stuff.
This situation is very frustrating !
Anyway, the game looks great with many good improvment since 2020 (the year I stop playing) but very complicated for crafting/upgrading rules and so on. There is a lack of explanations for seasonal crafting content.

You can’t, unless it’s in a minipass.

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UPDATE : Support did a great job, I have my stuff back!
Thank you all for your advices !
See you in the wastelands !