Hello, I hadn’t play since a while, today, i did reinstall the game, but I see all the good stuff i did owned (by grinding and buying a few years ago) disapeared.
When I check the market history, i can see thousand of pages of unwanted transactions since probably more than 3 years.
It seems I have been hacked. But my steam account doesn’t seems hacked. I don’t understand.
What can I do against this ? Is there any way to complaint ?
close to nothing left !!
I don’t have enough wheels to make a build ! All the legendary stuff anything valuable !
check and see if it’s the right Email you used.
that happens sometimes.
'Always write your Email and Password for All your games on paper.
thank you I am playing with steam 2 step authentification
No they sold all my stuff and buy silly things to manipulate the market, nothing left !
They did connect 4 times this year and empty all my inventory (close to)
That was an old second account when i was playing competitive, this is the main
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looks like you have all your stuff.
nope they did sold all my stuff
and buy loads of sht and buy loads of sht
better contact support. all them Range pieces shouldn’t cost that much. 
probably thousands of coins…
But i can’t understand why uranium is still here. Maybe it is worthless now.
I hope they ll give my stuff back and I can play again.
I did sent a support ticket with screenshot.
As I play with a linked account and steam guard I hope it ll be easy to prove.
They normally give back untradeable versions back.
Mud, that shows everything you’ve had, not everything you have.
A bunch of stuff on my collection I no longer have, like crossbows.
i was seeing if they logged into a diff account by mistake.
That just shows what you’ve owned at any time
This is probably the way he steals the coins, by buying those crappy things at an overpriced price.
or it is for market manipulation.
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