Being forced to the Slaughter

Domination never had problems like Slaughter. In Domination, you still have one life (boomsticks have to think before explosion) and two-vehicle builds do not have to frantically look for each other before enemies get to them. It’s just slightly different tactic of win. You aren’t forced to change your craft because it might not be suitable for that exact mode.

Funny thing is I saw a two person fusion do pretty good the other night in Slaughter, once they managed to connect.

And for all the crying about how lancers and ammo weapons are at a disadvantage, I really don’t see it. Nothing stopping you from self destructing and respawning, once you’ve used all your lances/ammo.

But if you want to quit as soon as the match starts, that’s your business. Even if my team is reduced to half the size it should be, I’m still going to finish the match. What does it really matter if my team doesn’t win? I still get my resources, and I still get to blow up some cars, and that’s all I really care about at the end of the day.

Besides, when things work out and your team manages to find each other, the mode is actually pretty fun. Yes it is chaotic, but I like that about Crossout in general, so I don’t mind it in this mode.

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‘this is the problem’----now it’s Not PVP…no re spawning in pvp :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I agree it’s weird to have it mixed in with normal PVP.
Forcing it on us is probably part of the reason some people hate it so much. It feels like when U2 forced that album onto everyone’s iPhone.

Devs please remove this slaughter game mode from rotation. You should have to Queue it. I’m playing a no respawn game, I have 0 interest in playing these weird respawn modes.


Update, after a full session, this is just game ruining. Me and my friend got the mode 4 times in a row, and quit every time lmao. Most of them like half the other players quit too. Just logged out.


I highly suspect that they are forcing this on us as a way to gather data, nothing more. What weapons/builds do well, what would they need to tweak, etc.

If you want me to test your game mode, pay me in coins or crosscrowns. Thats my take on it. I abandon this game mode every time as it is.


It took about 2 weeks for me to adapt to this change in game mode.
I was against it while creating this topic.
But now i am starting to see the fun in slaughter mode.

No stupid aimbot wallhack bots, shorter games, and respawns when you get trolled.
sry guys i guess my topic has become obsolete, feel free to keep posting against the change, because change is never easy.


:slight_smile: welcome to the dark side :slight_smile:

You have seen the light. (Or would that be you turned the light off?? For the dark side??)

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It’s good to allow your opinions to be flexible, just in case you’re wrong.

You weren’t wrong though. This mode sucks…or it’s more like, it’s just in the wrong queue. It isn’t really that bad, I suppose.

I’m not gonna play it though. I don’t like it.

Maybe my next mood swing well help me see it differently. I hear I’m a bit…capricious. We’ll see.

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i wait until the spawn timer is done and the match starts…then i quit :rofl:
:fu: slaughter

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