Being Forced to watch the game

I talk about multiple things and builds, how it affect the whole game and different builds, meta and not. But that doesn’t fit in your picture of game where everything revolves around meta, right?

Of course not. You are a meta slave.
Talk of having too easy wins lol. Of course if you playing the ugliest metiest ugly trashbox possible.
It’s fun though trying to make use of compact size and agility. I have and play meta builds too, they are a bit different though, but I can claim they are unique in bunch of ways and say that I never seen anyone playing anything like it.

This one is more meta.
Pretty much meta because it can beat most meta builds it meets. But it’s an old one. Doesn’t make sense anymore after nerf of piercers. Need 3xIMP version instead.

Or this - my version of meta(a bit obsolete version) I’ve been able to beat any possible build I meet on it’s PS with it. And just live long to win against multiple opponents using different weapons.
But there are also things that can’t be meta at all just for using certain weapons like this
I use it just for the idea of taking incinerator on blight on tiny agile build and be able to provide support, fight drones, and damaged crafts.
Basically the more ugly meta builds in the game, the harder it is to play something unconventional. You kind of force this idea that everyone should play the ugly current meta build, but they just happen to rape the game mechanic and produce ugly things… and make game ugly in the end. Thanks to guys like you. Of course someone will always build for effectiveness alone, but at least each build should be unique, even when it’s copied. But ye, you won’t get it. You are a meta slave in this game.

Obviously we are talking about two different things.

But whatever, have fun.

You just can’t defend your point anymore and won’t admit you lost.

OP remade this thread hoping to get into some good drama, didn’t even have to reply once :'D

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I didn’t realize this was a battle?

I thought we where having a conversation?

I’m not trying to “win” anything.

Haven’t read any drama in this thread yet?


You’ve been defending your concept of leaking and spreading meta builds.
I’ve been defending the point that it’s not good for… anyone. It’s just helping lazy and inept people to better builds, which happen on both sides, so it’s less value of having a good build in the first place, and less room for “alternative”, semi-art builds. And newbies just trying their own builds but not yet being pro. Plus scratching own egos. Actually devs encouraged that by extending exhibition functional, with “subscriptions” but they are rather desperate and see people won’t build anyways so at least it will motivate them to buy more stuf to at least make those meta builds.

Ya. Weird. I’m guessing you’re not picking up on the irony either, but that’s probably just for me to enjoy.

Drama (now you have read it.) :wink:

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I’m not defending anything. Everyone can play any way they like. You feel like your in defense because you don’t like to hear how I play.

That’s a “you” problem.

I have no issue posting my META builds and I don’t care how it affects anyone else. I don’t do it for their enjoyment, I do it for my own.

There is no way possible for you to play with your toys better then me, and I have no way possible to play with my toys better then you.

I don’t force people to play my builds.
It is their choice. I just have fun building and sharing them.

If you don’t like people posting META builds, That is not my problem and does not affect the way I play the game.

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I think that being in the Death Queue is one of the best parts of the game. Personally, I like having a decompression period where I can sit back and metaphorically throw popcorn at the screen when something worthwhile happens. Cheering on the survivors when someone manages a kill, responding to whispers, getting up to get a drink of water or vice versa to take a piss, and the death queue is the place do that.


I get it. I probably got the wrong idea you try to be the good guy. But you just you… And I don’t claim I’m the good one either.
In the end it the same logic as a guy playing with lances+invis+cheetah+radar+wolverine cab. It’s a toxic crap, and annoying hard to escape well polished to kill 1-2 guys and can target someone in particular. Obviously isn’t something improving game for people in general, but the guy is “just playing with what there is in the game how he wants it”.
It’s the same as some drone launcher guy left alone against too many he can’t possible win, but runs around delaying inevitable and making everyone wait. Not doing anything legally wrong, but something spoiling things for some people.

I also think this is the reason why they implenented reduced rewards many years ago when you leave the battle before it is finished.
But it could have been done in a much better way that does not handicap every crossout player who likes to exit the game after he dies and move on to the next game.

For example, there could be a penalty to rewards imposed for people who quit the game in the first 60 seconds, lets say the penalty is 75% to 90% less rewards for 2 minutess to your account.
that would most certainly stop suicide farmers, but not impact everybody else who dont want to watch to the end of a game.

I usually take that as punishment for not being careful enough to die last.
Some guys and situations are interesting to watch, most aren’t.

That most obviously wouldn’t. It takes them 30-50 to get their job done and their will wait those other few. As I mentioned. Their plague was actually stopped mostly by wait times I think, which gotten worse past months.

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Sure, the penalty period could be extended to 2 minutes before leaving the game, im just throwing out an idea here that benefits everyone more than the current game mechanic.

I’m not logging into the game and thinking “What can I do today to make sure everyone in game is enjoying themselves.”

For me it more like “What can I do today to wreck as many people as I can.”

There is a pretty good chance that if people are pissed off at what your doing then your having a blast. Who cares if they are having fun, it’s not anything I even consider when playing.

You don’t finish a PvP match and think “I wonder if the guys on the losing team had fun?” At least I don’t.

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You know, in Starcraft II (claimed by some as best RTS of all times) players do almost always say to opponent GL HF, or one of them at the start. And when loser exits without saying GG is sign of very pissed off and bad tempered player. Some behavior like that works in real sport like chess or boxing and other fights.
In general a good person wouldn’t want to spread havoc and ignore other peoples feeling, cause they will pay back when they can and it’s just a bad thing to do. Just shows that somehow in this game this culture isn’t even established. And devs themselves designed to be… sh_tty in some sense. Usually when you are bested by stronger player you shouldn’t be offended but game itself presents this mess of random teams play, where you just get wrecked because other guys were. And just weapons that not even work in “rock-scissor-paper” style as some think of this game, but rather a tool for mad no skill babies to get revenge on someone - lances and such. Or Tusk on boosters - that one at least can be countered by tough build and careful use of terrain and awareness, but lances/radar/invis combo - is that mix that takes a lot to counter, and not reliably still. No skill tool that only balanced by… having limited amount of kills and forced to wait? That’s BS . So they kind of integrated toxic to the game so that guys like you can even freely speak of that, even on forum.

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Use paragraphs buddy, your wall of text is hard to read without them.
Also, someone not saying GG to you doesnt mean that they are d!cks, stop your imagination from running wild please.

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I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using exhibition builds or with posting good builds there for other people to use.
But I also don’t buy the argument that the devs don’t see building as a primary part of the game. Hell, it’s the first word of the slogan for the game.
And yes, there are a handful of features for people who don’t like building, but compare that to the hundreds of parts that are given to us to build with, and the complexity of the building system. Even the exhibition system doesn’t work if there aren’t people who love building.

I would still play Crossout if building wasn’t part of the game, but I wouldn’t still be playing it four years later without that part, and I think most longtime dedicated players feel the same. The ones you see complaining that the game sucks are generally the ones who don’t really enjoy building (or who see building as a purely aesthetic thing, and don’t like that it impacts performance so much).

I play Crossout because I’ve always liked driving games, tank games, and giant robot games. But I love Crossout because the building aspect taps into my creative side in a way no other game matches.

Crossout would be dead years ago if it weren’t for the building aspect, and that’s a hill I’m willing to die on.
Even those who hate building would quit if there wasn’t a steady influx of new player builds for them to download from people that do like building.

Learn to read understand words. I said in Starcraft it actually does. I said it in context that in many games minding what you bring to the people actually matters. It’s only yet another problem of this and actually most MMO games that almost teach people to roll over other like they trash.

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