Best garage and best carhorn

Lol, yeah I know :slight_smile:

if I don’t use it I get rid of it.

I use that (can’t remember the name) collection? Tab to show what I have owned. I don’t have to still own it and I see no need for it to collect dust.

Just to upset you at all those wasted coins… I have more than 4 full pages of paint cans (^: I’d link em but apparently it’s 3 images/post max

Recently I recylcled 5 useless event paints I had multiples of… Got the Chrome paint. it’s sitting unused in my inventory lol. 800 coins or so on PC…

Doesn’t upset me man :wink:

Smokem if you got them.

I have a goal of fusing every item in game, can’t waste time in paints.

When on earth are they ever going to offer the Siren “Air Raid” horn again? It is among the game’s best horns and it has been 3 years or so since it was offered.

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