* Beware of player 'Super Drive'

i made them a Officer and they deleted 13 of my clan today…


I’d only make people I know personally officers.

He probably didn’t like them and used you to make it harder for them to progress (or he’s just an asshole)

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he didnt know them,he just an Ahole, there should never be a ‘Kick’ option for an Officer…it’s only for the Leader.
he kicked everyone that wasn’t an Officer

idk why you got 2 topics about the same.

Do not give officer to randoms, all in topic… real active clan anyway loose only 3 days like this.

You can always just give officer to everyone, then they cant kick anyone lol

because if you read, one is for the DEVS…

he was cool ,joked around with us.and we never had a ‘Kick player’ option before. it was only for leader…so it was safe to make players an Officer.

Ah. So he had a superiority complex and saw everyone beneath him as unworthy of the clan (that you created?)

he was the unworthy one,didnt want to get CC points or play CC for days.then he played and got 5000+.
made him an officer to show some support.
everyone else was playing we where at 70,000.
like i said he kicked only the ones he could kick…u can’t kick an officer.

Day by day it feels better and better to be in my filler clan of only 1 player, to completely ignore anything related to clans and not having to refuse invitations every other day so you can completely ignore confrontation rather than be forced to make it a virtual crossout 9 to 5 to fill whatever cc quota

dropping out of the forced social aspects of the game feels nice
Oh hey Nanuuk the guy who keeps adding extra z letters to his random text in battles, and bigbadwolf, that one guy with the drones on the omni wheel build who always has caps lock turned on at all times I run into those guys a lot in random matches

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they are cool guys,they also do streaming.

Cool people don’t play video games. This is something nerds do.


wouldn’t that make us nerds? :rofl:

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Yes…but I think it’s even worse that what that .gif implies. My own case is probably terminal.

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