Brawl Für den Imperator

Wer die blauen Fahrzeuge bekommt verliet zu 90%. Weil die blauen Fahrzeuge einfach sch… nicht gut sind. Da ich immer blau bekomme ist das Erfüllen der Aufgabe (Erhalte 10.000 Punkte) so verdammt zeitaufwändig, dass es sich einfach nicht lohnt.
Wie kann man die roten Fahrzeuge bekommen. Oder kann der Entwickler die blauen Fahrzeuge besser machen.


Brawl For the Emperor

Whoever gets the blue vehicles loses 90%. Because the blue vehicles are just s… not good. Since I always get blue, completing the task (get 10,000 points) is so damn time consuming that it’s just not worth it.
How to get the red vehicles. Or can the developer make the blue vehicles better.

Exactly why I don’t participate in this mode.

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Me personally, I think it’s because the red “heretic” vehicles are built in the crossout style (bunch of armor slapped on, HUGE), whereas the “imperium” vehicles are built smaller, less tanky, and with better (not really) weapons. The issue here is that the blue vehicles are built for range, and the red are not. But all the “imperium” players want to go close quarters, because that’s what they’re used to with self built vehicles. Just my opinion, anyways.