Building the Odin Generator how long did it take you?

Hey, I am in the process of building getting all the material needed for the Odin Generator. I was wondering how long it took other people to create the relic item.

Thanks for your input!


I have the materials, grabbed the Uranium… I sold my Thor for a tonne of profit and I’m waiting for it to be released in a pass and see the bubble pop. This is what I did for Stillwinds and I grabbed one of those cheap at the start of this mini pass…

On Xbox the Odin is selling for 60-70k, I’ve only spent 21k on mine so far and all I have left is the Thor which may drop to 10k like the Stillwind (I got mine for 9k).

It’s just a waiting game, I can wait.

Oh and if we get an un-fuse event the Stillwind and Thor could also drop even harder… and I have 100 legendary stabilizers invested just for that moment; people will want to buy them up for a crazy price considering the prices of those items.

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Thanks for the information!

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I don’t have anything for an Odin other than 47 uranium. If they would either have a Thor event or a defusion event I would have an Odin. I would defuse my 3 Stillwinds and my Thor and then sell the Stillwinds for the missing uranium.

I’m not a big Thor fan as I find the generator too inconsistent and flimsy.

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Thank you for your information! Really appreciate you taking the time to post.

Keep rocking and rolling survivor!


it took me less then a min to get mine, sold 3 punishers nd bought it for almost 80,000 coin

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I have 2 uranium from the april fools day events
Maybe I’ll get a third one this year, after that I only need to wait 197 years and then I can get an Odin

Nah I’m never going to make it even if I magically gain the uranusium for it, I’ll just sell it and focus on getting some fused legendaries, I can’t support Odin at all in any shape or form, if Crossout was an office environment the adding of Odin would have been the point in which I would have taken a huge, fat, steaming log right on the boss’s desk in broad daylight, hopefully during a business meeting, fueled by over-consumption of laxatives beforehand so I can go out with a brown bang so to say, a spewing fanfare at the end to show my appreciation


I have everything for odin but i have little truble if is better buy thor or remove it fusion, i love thor for the size to fit building…
How much time need, depend if you have enought coins just few seconds, if not just a time for sold, craft and buy few items.

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Thank you for the update and info.

Keep rocking and rolling survivor!



I appreciate your point of view. Take care survivor!


Thank you mang!

I appreciate the info.


I am not doing CW’s so have little interest in it at this point.
I will probably make it a goal next fall. If at all.
Fishing season soon.


Thanks for responding. Cheers mang!

So after about 1 month I am halfway to completing the Odin Generator. I have 1/2 the Uranium needed or 100 units. I have the Stillwind AC from the event that is going on. I have all the other resources needed 500 units of batteries and Electronics. All I need now is 100 units of Uranium and the Thor Generator.

Thanks all for the info you shared.


Pray the Thor is in this upcoming minipass

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I’m still sitting on the fence about whether or not I should get the odin generator. I really don’t see any advantage too it over other generators.

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Depends if that 1 energy opens up opportunities for you to try or not… for myself it’ll mean I can run a

Dual Retcher with an Aegis.
Helicon with Aegis and radar.
Triple Fortunes/Crickets with both a Cheetah and cloak.

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I need to pick stuff that i already got in my arsenal so that be something like 5 imps, a cloak and a radiator but i cant think of much else. I don’t see how 4 porcs would benefit and all that is gonna do is turn me into a power score inflated ticking time bomb drowning in my own porc fire waiting to go kaboom. I don’t use retchers, fortunes, crickets or aegis, i find them very boring and the same goes with all the other relics and I’ve been waiting on a relic drone that will never come.

I say 4 energy weapons would benefit the most from it or 5 energy ones on the 11 energy cabs. I dunno I’m waiting until the update rolls around with the energy changes and make a decision.

Thanks guys for the info. Keep on trucking!