Can someone tell the Devs for me?

They would sell much more Customization items for good old cash. I will never own any cross crowns! EVER!
Nice little Halloween target display for the range, cash money, give me a price!


i would insult the devs but i cant even think of a reason why they would have such atrocious monetization. its too stupid to begin to understand how clueless they are

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Mind numbing isn’t it.! The potential would be phenomenal.

you buy CKs for crosscrowns, yes…
you buy crosscrowns for money, yes…
so wth you talking about?!?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i do agree that their monetization system sucks…but what you said is absolutely hillarious…you’d spend money but only the way YOU want it…dumb much…no offense ment…

oh, and while we’re on topic…
if anyone knows anyone in targem, tell them i said:

“if i was managing the game i’d need 1 year to save it from going to hell. if you’re interested contact me via discord (Aphaz #0858)”

and yess, i am totaly serious about it…

i would need 5 minutes to save this game from going to hell. that is, if the game wasnt in hell for a long time already. the current monetization gets some goobers to spend a few hundred or thousand dollars so the devs might either be afraid to change it or think it actually works

Yes, of course. That is exactly how that is supposed to go.That is absolutely the customer’s prerogative. Nothing could be more sure.

I don’t want to play the currency exchange shell game at the checkout counter either. Playing that game does result in the loss of sales, not to mention the ridiculous pricing, but then that’s their problem.


5min…rly…do enlighten me…

of course 5 minutes, maybe less. add paid cosmetics, remove p2w garbage, add viable gamemodes and fix pve, optionally make grinding long but consistent with an option to pay to progress so that the greedy devs get to juice the players for more money, balance existing weapons like relics, op golds, shitty golds, etc. and refine physics so that 30 ton bricks cant kill anything and everything. once the game is in a playable state, it can also be advertised wherever so that for once in years new players are actually coming in and staying

and you can PROGRAM ALL THAT in 5min…wow…sooooo cool…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

children these days…it’s because of “geniuses” like you that the gaming industry is going to shit…
grow up

no, i cant program that in 5 minutes, but i can propose the ideas and plan them. none of that has happened at any point. but if we were to start with balancing, that would take 1 month to push out in the worst scenario. not accounting for targems incompetence.
and also no, the gaming industry is going to shit because of greedy pigs that run it. not because of completely trivial logic that the industry lacks

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I told them a number of times they should mix it up before they even changed it to the current system. They just do what they want though.

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im sorry but take your mobile pay to win garbage elsewhere.
unless you mean adding decently priced packs so that newer players can jump into epics then proceed.

So well said.

i explicitly said pay to progress, the base model of almost every free to play game. what we have right now could be described as pay to win mobile garbage though. also by pay to progress i dont mean 500 dollar relic weapons, but a slightly more sane option

the reason you dont get to pay how you want is the currency abstraction which gets more people who dont think about what theyre doing to throw money at the game, which is standard procedure in cancerous mobile games. but obviously they would get more money if they stepped out of their delusion and realised there is more money to be had if they cater to more people than just grass-less meta monkeys

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i guess you never played PoE…

dont know what that is

Path of Exile…a F2P ARPG game from which crossout should not just take a page, but the entire book on how u monetize a game…

from what im reading path of exile mostly has purchasable cosmetics