Cannons are back!

I’m not much of a cannon player, but I am still very happy to see them becoming a real threat again.
It’s now actually scary when I get hit by a cannon build, and that is a good thing in my books.

I don’t think they’re OP now, but I am seeing the more skilled players running them again, so it can feel pretty challenging if you’re up against a squad of competitive cannon hovers.

Which cannon counters do we think are going to rise up in response?

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What about the spaced armor meta again? Cannons penetrate a bit before exploding, so spaced armor might be good again, to counter that. I’m not sure though.

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I think they patched that awhile ago, with explosive damage being transferred to connected parts instead of an area effect.

Wedges would still work, or sneak up and circle them with piercers or shotguns.
The cannons do double damage now, but have double the reload time.
So lots of wheel or turret drones would also do better against their slower reload.
Staying at range with sidestepping gerrida walker legs or omni wheels would also be effective.

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me too

very scary

I think you already know that i have a garage full of counters, and then some

Came on, triple executioner spider, i’m looking for you, i have things to settle with you.

came out, came out where ever you are, little spider.


It’s time to canons shine again and for me to bask in the Sun


I think I’m going to try a melee build this week for CC, although I fear that all the ammo packs people are going to be running might knock off my harvesters.

Drones might be more viable in the new meta too, but I doubt they’ll be powerful enough for CC.

I’ve also got a shotgun build that should still do ok, although I didn’t have room for a cloak, so it will be a challenge to be truly effective.

I’m going to try a Kaiju build, but I suspect my aim and reflexes aren’t good enough to compete against the competitive cannon/hover players.

I might give Varuns a try again, to see whether the buff has helped them enough. I saw one player doing well with them yesterday, as well as a couple good Toadfish players.

I don’t worry about PVP, so I’m just be playing whatever I feel like in normal matches, and will probably throw together a few cannon builds myself and try to get better with them.

On the issue of Fatman spam their default fire rate has been increased to 6s from 4.3s however the new bonus of 15% on hit has increased their perk bonus. The newer perk is .9s compared to their older perk of .5 seconds. That’s the only differences outside of the two other changes which is similar across other cannons too, dmg buff varies though.

  • Damage increased by 44%.
  • Spread increase while turning reduced by 2 times.

6s is fairly standard across the cannon lines now. So your only dealing with a base .4s increase for shots following a hit. So much of the spam might be fever dream chasing as if you miss often you are stuck with a 1.7s increase to the base time reload. Players tend to chase the dream though.

IDK. I had a guy knock the crap outta me pretty mercilessly with a double Fatman-Brick last night. It seemed wound up pretty tight to me.

I also had a shotgun-bot pick me out from all the way across the desert, and then chase me around the map twice before finally just cancelling my Lightening McQueen routine…around objects and beyond viability too…so, maybe the moon was full. IDK.
Gameday 50: Penguins vs. Lightning - The Sports Daily
It went just about like that.


I would word it a bit differently, but I think we’re coming from a similar place.

I think a lot of the surge of cannon builds is people trying out the changes to see what’s possible now. Which could also be seen as chasing the dream, except that I think some players are actually catching the dream.

The combination of a damage/accuracy buff with a reload nerf is something that seems to work for people who were already very skilled with cannons. The DPS hasn’t gone up, but it means that people who land all their shots can really make a big difference. One good cannon volley can greatly hurt a close range build from across the map now, and that is definitely changing how I’m playing close range builds.
When playing shotguns, melee, or flamethrowers, I’m finding that I really need to be careful to stick to cover, even when close to spawn. And if I screw up my initial attack, I’m needing to get out of there ASAP, rather than just spinning around and charging at them again.

The cannon changes really favour peekaboo players, and they were always the most effective to begin with.

There’s a lot of aspects that could work into that. If the impulse is too high that’s something they could fix later though. I’m not sure how light you were playing either so I don’t really want to jump to a judgement either.

I generally find myself trying to dodge more cannon shots now knowing most cannons got a dmg buff. Outside of fatman they are shooting slower though too. So I can try to cut the gap distance a bit faster too.

I meant that as in hitting each shot to maximize the dmg output over time. A lot of players can’t keep that up across multiple matches. An experienced cannon player is going to have to adjust too as the timing is off still from what it was.

With the new legs cannons are more mobile and a bit more fun then they were before. We could never leap up into the air and take a shot in-between the obstacle Infront of us and the target. Those player piles use to be a big bane on cannon players. That small leap up to set a different angle now changes a lot just by itself. Cannons aren’t the only that have benefited out of this but they probably did the most as they have the lowest ammo count.

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If CC is similar to PVP, nº of players, team behaviour and so on, then for cannons, drones are enough, you must run away if they focus your drones, you must keep the pressure if they focus on you, be close to your drones and if your drones are clear from you and they have clear line of sight, ram the bastard, several times, if they are isolated from their team it will be so much better.

Today was a good day… lots of blur, lots of red mist, lots of ricochet sounds

But i’m showing this sample not to brag about ( i’m pretty pleased with my build ) but to show as a indicative how people have a lot to catch up, after all, we are as strong as our weakest link, and there are a lot of people with builds not best suited for cannons, the moment they are, cannons will vanish again. ( time to beef up, boys).

Currently i’m not up to speed how the SGs are doing now, but keep the pressure on, doing so, most of them will panic and miss shots, close range is where you are strongest and they are the weakest, no rads, full coolers , pin them down and drill away. Watch out for other builds.

I will try to bring back Prodigy myself, if the “fever” catches on, for old time sake.


And how about that ?
I went to check out the OG that was killed in the co-driver rework.



eheheheh, what can i say, it’s Christmas, must be.
With these crazy changes, nerfs and buffs, who would thought?
with an armour layout update and a bit of TLC.

well, puncher it’s already set for success, and will receive more changes, planned changes, i think this is my new project. I missed this build so much.

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That’s the thing no one is talking about. Explosives deal damage to everyone, and the melee builds are going to disarm themselves two kills in

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Yeah, it’s definitely more of an issue now. Doesn’t make melee weak, but does help keep it in check a bit.

So far this week in console CC I’m still seeing lots of cyclones and raijins, melee and flamethrowers, but also some fatman and mastodon builds.
I think it’s too early to tell where the 9kPS metas are shifting to. Also seeing people trying a lot of other things, so something strong may yet emerge.

what r cannons again