Capture the base! Limited ammo allies were supposed to capture the base

If you played limited ammo weapons, then you were supposed to make your way to enemy base and take it or conserve your ammo to defend your own base if you were too slow to make it to enemy base.

Now these Fatman users are speeding around the map knowing hit scan weapons will run out of ammo before they lose their weapons, and their durable heavy weapons and ammo crates are not slowing them down properly.

Besides the fact that at 8000-9000 power score nobody is running hit scan.

Let us all abandon 9000 power score and get back down to 6000 power score where they cannot bring dual Fatmans!

Capture the base before you run out of ammo!

You do realize that with the changes 15% to perk and the 6s reload debuff they are firing at a slower rate then before. It use to be .5s off of a 4.3 reload.

.9s off of 6 is 5.1s
.5s off of 4.3s is 3.8s

Outside of the dmg buff the weapon is slower by default than it has been before.

But the shots are doing way more damage than before.
Escape the Fatman fest, drop to 6000 PS!
Capture the base!

They still have to hit you though even to have the potential for a second faster shot. That’s not the dev’s fault or anyone else’s but yours.

I will not be in a battle with them at 6000 PS, I urge you all to drop your power score to 6000 and let’s have some fun for the next year until they adjust this garbage,

If I have time. I tend not to abuse stuff, so I’ve been playing mine up in 10-11k where the build I use has long existed.

I’m more surprised people aren’t complaining about avengers again as they got a much larger dmg boost.

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thats an issue of giving fatman a shitton of damage on top of having access to finwhale. nobody with machine guns is running out of ammo.

I don’t even think that’s the case he’s talking lower PS nightmares for them. 6k-ish…

  1. he do and he dont know he can put ammo boxes

  2. or he is one of this people with 200+ ping that cant even hit moving targets due htiscan changes.

Earlier if you had very big lag, you could disarm someone by hitscan seeing his tunnel weapons for example, while in reality he was not even there or rotated so should be not possible. it was cheaty-buggy, but at least did allow high ping people to play.

And because he live somewhere in america, i guess its second option, because they play mostly with EU/RU people having high pings.

I’m planning to feast off them.

I hope you will join me there.
I will save for you a juicy and tender piece, i promise

i guess you forghot about the hulk…

I built a crap Fatman build, no fin whale (have no idea what that thing does. Forgot. Don’t care), but it’s mounted on an Omni box with a teal reload module, and once I make contact, my reload is well under 3 seconds. It’s pretty brutal, and it’s not even top shelf…the Fatman is god-fused though. It came (free) from a recent BP bench. It’s fused for durability, reload, and rotation speed.

I only wish I had two of them. If I want to take it seriously, I’ll have to trim it down in PS considerably, since I only have one…but damn. They’ll nerf it, I bet, but I wonder if they’ll get to it before Christmas. I sort of doubt it, and expect this META to take off and over saturate the wasteland. It sort of already is.

I think it looks like if you haven’t realized the Fatman is OP, you’re behind the curve. Lots of other kids are already on it.

Drones aren’t a bad counter (always have been fairly good against cannons), but getting hit by this dual Fatman beast even once can be pretty devastating.

It may get rough in the wasteland, kids. I think this player-base is pretty sick of this sort of thing (pay to trend META), and I hope they can survive it.

As for me, I’ve been hoping to build a tankity-tank for a while, but cannons always sucked. Now’s the time, I suppose.

The funny thing is they use to be faster so if they are OP now it’s probably due to the dmg increase they just gave it. I hardly ever play anything considered meta so it’s amusing me to fall into it suddenly with an older build.

A bunch of the other cannons got similar or higher dmg increases too.

In another thread, they were discussing the possibility that two opposing players would remain with no ammo to ram each other or capture the base and draw out matches. I am over 50 posts behind in that topic. To my point!

This is why you capture the base while still healthy and armed! Commanding the base capture point leads the opposing player to realize it is fruitless to continue and self-destruct, ending the match.

Get capture points before you runout of ammo!